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skylark Meaning in marathi ( skylark शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भारुई पक्षी, चिमणी,


भारतपक्षी, भरत,

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skylark मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

चिमणी - चिवचिवाट, चिव-चिव.

पक्षी दक्षिण शिलींध्री किंवा खाटिक (इंग्लिश:Peninsular Chestnutbellied Nuthatch; हिंदी:सिरी) हा एक आकाराने चिमणीपेक्षा लहान पक्षी आहे.

हा पक्षी मध्यम आकाराच्या चिमणीएवढा.

एके दिवशी टिपलेल्या चिमण्यांमध्ये त्यांना वेगळी चिमणी मिळाली.

एक होता चिमणा, एक होती चिमणी ।.

हे पक्षी आकाराने चिमणीपेक्षा लहान असतात.

पक्षी- मोर, पोपट, कबुतर, कवडा, लाव्हा, धनेश, सुतारपक्षी, घार, रानकोंबडी, सुगरण, किकेर्डी, चिमणी, इत्यादी.

हिरवी मनोली आकाराने चिमणीपेक्षा लहान असते.

पक्षी रिचर्डची तिरचिमणी (इंग्लिश:Richard's Pipit; हिंदी:चरचरी, रुगाईल) हा एक पक्षी आहे.

हा तांबूस रंगाचा असून साधारणपणे चिमणीच्या आकाराचा असतो.

रानावनात गलोरने चिमणीची शिकार केली जाते.

पिवळा धोबी हा आकाराने चिमणीएवढाच असतो.

skylark's Usage Examples:

The Oriental skylark (Alauda gulgula), also known as the small skylark, is a species of skylark found in the southern, central and eastern Palearctic .

found on the site include kingfishers, reed warblers, reed buntings and skylarks.

and ponds have water voles and great crested newts, and birds include skylarks and corn buntings.

candidate is given from Gerard Manley Hopkins: As a dare-gale / skylark / scanted in a / dull cage Man"s mounting / spirit in his / bone-house, / mean house.

efficient hovering flight may have evolved because of female Eurasian skylarks" preference for males that sing and hover for longer periods and so demonstrate.

warbler, River warbler, Spotted flycatcher, Eurasian tree sparrow, Common chaffinch, European greenfinch, European pied flycatcher, Eurasian skylark, Fieldfare.

and is now home to northern lapwings, common snipe, Eurasian curlews, redshanks, yellow wagtails, skylarks, and meadow pipits.

There are typically five breeding pairs of skylark and nine pairs of meadow pipit as well as three.

wildfowl and many species of birds breed there, such as lapwing, snipe, garganey, yellow wagtail, grey partridge, skylark, reed bunting and barn owl.

Sand martins nest in holes in the cliffs, and other birds include skylarks, meadow pipits and corn buntings.

while there are spring migrants such as green sandpipers and spotted redshanks, and breeding birds such as skylarks and meadow pipits.

service tree, and breeding birds include spotted flycatcher, lesser whitethroat, reed bunting and skylark.

"lark" is used without specification, it often refers to the Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis).


lark about, play, romp, gambol, run around, cavort, lark, frolic, frisk, disport, sport, rollick,


refrain, immovability, tightness, immovableness, underact,

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