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skeptics Meaning in marathi ( skeptics शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अविश्वासू, संशयवादी, नास्तिक,

जो कोणी सवयीने स्वीकारलेल्या विश्वासांवर शंका घेतो,

skeptics मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

परिच्छेद बारावा : संशयवादी तत्त्वज्ञानासंबंधी.

न्यायालयाने राधाकृष्णन यांचे म्हणणे स्वीकारले की हिंदू धर्म जटिल आहे आणि " आस्तिक आणि नास्तिक, संशयवादी आणि अज्ञेयवादी, जर त्यांनी हिंदू संस्कृती आणि जीवन प्रणाली स्वीकारली तर ते सर्व हिंदू असू शकतात".

विशिष्ट विचारधारेसच बांधिलकी कायम ठेवण्यास चुकीची बौद्धिक दिशा आणि कॢप्त्या स्वीकारणे, कोणत्याही तर्कसंगत (रॅशनल) युक्तिवादास दुर्लक्षित करणे अथवा त्याला वळसा घालण्याचे कारस्थान करणाऱ्या संशयवादींच्या सहभागाचा प्रयत्न कोणत्याही तर्कसंगत चर्चेमुळे साध्य होत नाही.

परिच्छेद: या शंकाची संशयवादी सोडवण.

परिच्छेद चौथा : बुद्धीच्या व्यापारासंबंधी संशयवादी शंका.

skeptics's Usage Examples:

)Influence and legacyIronically, this last work came to be highly regarded by freethinkers and other religious skeptics.

atheists and other religious skeptics as a contemporary version of Russell"s teapot, sometimes mentioned in conjunction with the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

accepted by mainstream science and skeptics have described Roll as a credulous investigator.

and clergy, psychologists, and scientific skeptics who offered more parsimonious explanations.

UFO skeptics have described the incident as being caused by either ball lightning or a severe electrical storm.

was to find Cathars, he was occasionally confronted with skeptics and nonbelievers.

But virtually all deniers have falsely branded themselves as skeptics.

Hutchings" party, the descriptions staggered the skeptics and silenced the croakers.

Peirce, Tertullian, Søren Kierkegaard, and Blaise Pascal are Dionysian skeptics.

Indeed, on most TV documentaries and talk shows, skeptics get short shrift and almost no air time.

Uri GellerDue to the popularity of Uri Geller in the seventies, a critical examination of Swann's paranormal claims was basically overlooked by skeptics and historians.

Why fear a little criticism? Aren't they interested to see how their beliefs hold up against the best counterarguments skeptics can muster?ReferencesEditionsRobert Anton Wilson, The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science.

As of 2015, every state and territory within Australia has its own regional branch, and some have their own newsletters, with new local skeptics' groups springing up in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Launceston and Darwin.


sceptic, doubting Thomas, doubter, intellect, pessimist, intellectual,


optimist, stupidity, nonintellectual, intellectual, physical,

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