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silly Meaning in marathi ( silly शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

हबागोबा, मूर्ख,


मूर्ख लोक,


अर्थहीन, निष्पाप, हबगबा, मूर्ख,

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silly मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

"संस्कृत बोलणे सेविणे|तेंचि सांडावी प्रकृत वचने|ऐसिया मूर्खा मुंडणे|किती आता||"असे ते म्हणतात.

जगातल्या दु:खापैकी पुष्कळशी दु:खे दृष्टपणापेक्षा मूर्खत्वाने आणि अंधश्रद्धेने निर्माण झाली आहेत.

ती म्हणते, 'अस्ति कश्चित् वाग्‌विशेषः? आपल्या वाणीमध्ये काही विशेषत: आहे?' त्यानंतर कालिदासाने खूप अभ्यास करून आपल्यावरचा मूर्ख हा शिक्का काढून टाकला, आणि अस्ति, कश्चित् आणि वाग् या शब्दांनी सुरू होणारी तीन काव्ये रचली.

आचार्य चाणक्य यांच्या मतानुसार कोणत्याही व्यक्तीसाठी सर्वात मोठी दु:खाची गोष्ट आहे मूर्ख असणे.

तिचा सूड उगवण्यासाठी राज्यातील सर्वात मूर्ख व्यक्तीचा शोध घेऊन, त्याला जिंकवून तिचा विवाह कालिदासाशी लावून दिला जातो.

मूर्ख म्हाताऱ्याने डोंगर हलवले हा माओवादी विचारांवर आधारित, तर प्रियदर्शिनी हा त्यांचा इंदिरा गांधी यांच्या विषयीचा कविता संग्रह आहे.

चाणक्य नीती : मूर्खपणा आणि जवानीपेक्षाही घातक आहे ही गोष्ट.

वरी खुशामत शाहण्याची परि मूर्खाची ती मैत्री नको.

राजा आपल्या मुलांच्या या मूर्खपणाला कंटाळला होता.

आणि कमाल म्ह्णजे राणी व्हिक्टोरियाही या चेष्टेत सामील होती, तिने स्त्रीवाद म्हणजे मूर्खता, पाप आणि महाचूक अशी त्याची संभावना केली.

येथे समस्त बहिरे बसतात लोकका भाषणे मधुर तू करिशी अनेकहे मूर्ख यांस किमपीहि नसे विवेककोकील वर्ण बघुनि म्हणतील काक । .

त्याने 'मूर्खांची स्तुती' (In Praise of Folly) हा ग्रंथ लिहिला.

silly's Usage Examples:

Club was favourable, saying: If the musicians weren't so serious about the endeavor, it wouldn't quite work, and as it stands, A Guy Called Gerald's 'Voodoo Ray' sounds pretty silly when played by a marching band.

Finally, after a month the savages withdrew crestfallen, muttering that they had been silly and foolish to have contemplated the blockade.

different genres and combine them to make one remarkably and almost transcendentally silly movie- it doesn"t contain a single ounce of thought" and Siskel.

show-biz-Catholic glitz mysticism, and Chayefsky, with his show-biz-Jewish ponderousness" results in an "aggressively silly picture" that "isn"t really enjoyable.

sometimes deliciously silly exuberance, which, thanks to the show"s razorsharp writing, educates as well as entertains.

Horror author Stephen King rated The Devil's Rejects the 9th best film of 2005 and wrote, No redeeming social merit, perfect '70s C-grade picture cheesy glow; this must be what Quentin Tarantino meant when he did those silly Kill Bill pictures.

As for children's books, I couldn't stand them and, as far as I remember now, considering them very silly.

and, above all, a silly, stubbornly sentimental streak that only the crabbiest cynic could dismiss".

village idiot in strict terms is a person locally known for ignorance or stupidity, but is also a common term for a stereotypically silly or nonsensical.

said that, "As the silly questions, the sillier answers and Norton"s ever-burbling laughter continue, we raise the white flag and start laughing.

He also derided the twenty scenario ideas, saying, Maybe three of them are useable; the rest are too silly for words; and when I say 'silly' I mean 'stupid'.

The cultural critic Jonathan Meades, in a 2020 article in The Critic, repeated Stamp's strictures and dismissed Scruton's praise, [a man] who had no eye, as embarrassingly silly; while Stephen Bayley is among those who have attacked the close relationship between Terry and the Prince of Wales.

In February 1981, he was brought on as the KZZP morning DJ in Phoenix, Arizona, where he participated in prank phone calls and silly song parodies.


sappy, goofy, cockamamy, whacky, cockamamie, wacky, zany, foolish,


well-advised, politic, cool, woman, wise,

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