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sickness Meaning in marathi ( sickness शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

आजारपण, आजार,


वेदना, आजार, विकार, अस्वस्थता,

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sickness मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गालगुंड झाल्यानंतर आजारावर फारसे उपचार ना करता तो आपोआप बरा होण्याची वाट पहातात.

ऐन उत्सवाच्या १५ दिवस आधी वेणाबाई आजारी पडल्या.

पावसाळ्याच्या दिवसात तर घरामध्ये तुळस असायलाच हवी, इतकी तुळस त्या दिवसांमधील विविध आजारांवर उपयुक्त आहे.

अत्यंत उग्र दर्प असणारे वेखंड अनेक आजारावरील प्रभावशील ओषध आहे.

६० वर्षे वयाच्या जवळपास वय असणाऱ्या लोकांमध्ये या आजार उद्भवू शकतो.

असे जुने सांगितले जाते की ते हात फिरवून आजार (रोग) बरे करत असत.

मातेच्या रक्तामध्ये ‘ डी ‘ विरुद्ध प्रतिपिंड आढळल्यास अर्भकाच्या रक्ततपासणामध्ये आरएच आजाराची शक्यता किती आहे हे शोधून काढता येते.

दर शंभर रुग्णापैकी एका रुग्ण गालगुंड आजारात गुंतागुंतीमुळे मृत्यू पावतो.

त्यामुळे योग हा बऱ्याचशा आजारांना दूर ठेवतो, जे जास्त महत्त्वाचे आहे.

सन्१६५२ मध्ये शाहजहान आजारी पडला तर औरंगजेबाने त्याला कैद करून मारले.

या आजाराला मेंदूतील काही रासायनिक स्थित्यंतरे कारणीभूत ठरतात.

क जीवनसत्वाच्या कमतरतेमुळे स्कर्व्ही नावाचा आजार होतो.

त्यांचे अल्पावधीच्या आजारानंतर मुंबईत निधन झाले.

sickness's Usage Examples:

therapeutic recompression A procedure for treating decompression sickness by recompressing the diver, thus reducing bubble size, and allowing the gas bubbles to.

Coe had suffered from injuries and a glandular sickness which made him underachieve in Athens.

Space adaptation syndrome (SAS) or space sickness is a condition experienced by as many as half of all space travelers during their adaptation to weightlessness.

Once she claims the addiction as love sickness, the relationship slowly progresses, focusing on the odd bond that comes out of the drool attachment.

other contributions to medicine include his work in the field of amoebic dysentery and sleeping sickness, his confirmation of the work of Sir Ronald.

mythology): a wood carved into an image of a dead person seated on a death chair; an antique which a spirit in it, who bring sickness, death, and unsuccessful.

altar may be sacrificed; sacrificial animals which have become unfit (terefah) through sickness may not be redeemed (§ 5).

Therefore, in a simulator it is essential that visual cues are not perceived before motion cues, the reverse of the real-world situation, or so-called simulator sickness can occur.

She gave up sailing after that race, because she suffered badly from sea sickness during that voyage (possibly augmented by morning sickness due to her.

wife in the highest estimation, may be debarred the felicity of hymeneal raptures, from sickness, absence, and a variety of other temporary causes, which.

The common thread that runs through the poems in this collection is homesickness.

left in her care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world.

the feeling of hunger, fatigue and headaches symptomatic of altitude sicknesses.


hypermotility, disease, ozone sickness, collapse, unhealthiness, anuria, health problem, growth, malady, gastrointestinal disorder, anuresis, catastrophic illness, prostration, amyloidosis, toxaemia, toxaemia of pregnancy, gas embolism, ill health, decompression sickness, ague, plumbism, aeroembolism, toxemia of pregnancy, air embolism, bends, lead poisoning, food poisoning, toxemia, saturnism, condition, caisson disease, indisposition, illness, unwellness,


tonicity, abnormality, willingness, wellness, good health,

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