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shakier Meaning in marathi ( shakier शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शेकियर, संकोच, डळमळीत, सहज विस्कळीत, अविश्वसनीय, अनिश्चित, कंपन होत आहे, मजबूत, नजज्जे,


संकोच, डळमळीत, सहज विस्कळीत, अनिश्चित, नजज्जे, कंपन होत आहे, मजबूत,

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shakier मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

टेमकर स्ट्रीटवरली इमारत डळमळीत होऊन पडल्यावर रायबा कुटुंबीय नालासोपाऱ्याला गेले आणि रायबा केवळ प्रदर्शनांपुरतेच मुंबईत दिसू लागले.

छत्रपती राजाराम वारल्यावर स्वराज्य परत एकदा डळमळीत झाले.

१५व्या शतकाच्या उत्तरार्धामधील अंतर्गत कलहामुळे इंका साम्राज्य डळमळीत झाले होते.

त्याच कोवळ्या वयात त्यांनी निर्णय घेतला कि मोठं होऊन मला अभिनेताच व्हायचे आणि त्या निर्णयापासुन आजपर्यंत यत्किंचितही डळमळीत झाले नाही व कुटुंबीयांनी त्यांना कधीच माझा विरोध केला नाही(घरची परिस्थिती प्रचंड हलाखीची असूनही).

shakier's Usage Examples:

ideas to aesthetics, cultural creativity and moral philosophy, he seems on shakier ground and is less commanding as a result".

Thus, he was traded to an even shakier team, the New York Golden Blades for the 1974 season.

convinced of its value that he said later on that he would have taken a far shakier case if it could have helped Henry win public recognition for his work.

doubtful if any major mining corporation anywhere was ever established on a shakier foundation.

It"s a shakier debut of McCarthy and Falcone"s efforts behind the camera than one might.

benefited from onscreen discussion of the subjects in which MRAs are on "far shakier ground".

almost three decades after its original production, it stands on even shakier legs.

A shakier Bob Turley would last only a third of an inning.

The company"s financial status grew shakier in 1956 when Leader News Co.

Having a higher stress level will decrease the sprint speed and add a shakier aim, but Carl can calm himself down by smoking cigarettes and drinking.

series, saying that despite the "slightly shaky animation and some markedly shakier accents", fans of fantasy or Avatar: The Last Airbender will like it.

As time goes on, Slater"s story seems shakier and shakier.

"Twenty Years on, the Wa-Burmese Cease-fire looks shakier".


wobbly, rickety, wonky, unstable,


resolute, unreactive, easy, sane, stable,

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