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salmon color Meaning in marathi ( salmon color शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सॅल्मन रंग, फिकट गुलाबी रंग,

salmon color मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गुलाबी किंवा फिकट गुलाबी रंगाची फुले असणारे तामण वृक्षही आढळून येतात.

या रंगद्रव्याची थोडीशी मात्रा घेतल्यामुळे फ्लेमिंगो फिकट गुलाबी रंगाचे होतात.

यांची त्वचा पांढरी नसून फिकट गुलाबी रंगाची असते.

मादी फिकट गुलाबी रंगाची त्यावर तपकिरी ठिपके असलेली ३ ते ४ अंडी देते.

त्वचारोगाचे एकमात्र चिन्ह म्हणजे उदासीन त्वचेच्या फिकट गुलाबी रंगाचे क्षेत्र अस्तित्व आहे जे पाल्यांवर अवलंबून असतात.

पर्जन्यवृक्षाला उन्हाळ्यात म्हणजे  मार्च ते एप्रिल आणि शरद ऋतू संपताना म्हणजे नोव्हेंबर-डिसेंबर मध्ये बहर येतो आणि त्यावर फिकट गुलाबी रंगाची गोंड्यासारखी असंख्य फुले दिसू लागतात.

salmon color's Usage Examples:

layer of the shell) is white, but sometimes the nacre can be pink or salmon color.

considered the hardest sandstone in the world, and has a unique red or salmon color.

It changes color from white to yellow when heated and fluoresces a salmon color when exposed to ultraviolet light.

around the shoulders often bears a patch of fur with a slightly ochre or salmon color.

are free from the stalk and packed closely together, showing a pink to salmon color in youth and aging to a darker brown.

years—all shades of pink (as of the summer of 2006 the house was a coral or salmon color).

The female cones, of pink-salmon color and later bluish-greenish when immature, centimetric and of annual maturation.

a green color scheme, and the 2016 vinyl reprinting of the EP had a salmon color scheme.

appearance, like those of Pomacea haustrum, but are smaller and have a tan to salmon color, although the egg masses are white when freshly laid.

shining as if by its own internal light", which he described as a salmon color.

The pores are yellowish-brown that can turn a salmon color with age.

The shell has a beautiful light salmon color, ornamented near the suture and carina with alternate patches of light.


Oncorhynchus nerka, redfish, chinook, salmonid, Salmonidae, quinnat salmon, blue jack, cohoe, food fish, Salmo salar, chum, Oncorhynchus keta, silver salmon, coho salmon, coho, family Salmonidae, blackfish, chum salmon, sockeye, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, king salmon, Atlantic salmon, blueback salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, red salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch,


grey-white, pearly, brown-gray, yellow-white, yellowish-white,

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