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salaries Meaning in marathi ( salaries शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पगार, आजूबाजूला, तांखा, सदस्य, महिना, समन्स, अझुरा, प्रवेश,


आजूबाजूला, पगार, तांखा, सदस्य, महिना, समन्स, अझुरा, प्रवेश,

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salaries मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

एका प्रयोगाचे सहाशे रुपये मानधन नक्की झाले आणि पगार यांनी पहिल्या पाच प्रयोगांची आगाऊ रक्कम प्रधानांना दिली.

१८४७मध्ये त्याने पुन्हा उत्पादन सुरू केले व स्वतः सगळे (कच्चा माल घेण्यापासून तयार पिस्तुले विकण्यापर्यंत) करण्याऐवजी त्याने पगारदार मदतनीस घेतले.

जाहीर निषेध) वा व्यावसायिक जाहिराती, प्रचार मोहिमा, जनसंपर्क उद्योग किंवा पगारी व्यवसायिक यांच्यासाठी असा जमाव जमत नाही.

पुरुष कामगारांपेक्षा स्त्री कामगारांना व मुलांना कमी पगार दिला जाई.

फेसबुकचे सीईओ म्हणून झुकेरबर्गला एक डॉलरचा पगार प्राप्त होतो.

मेगा लिलावात प्रत्येक संघासाठी एकूण ९० कोटी भारतीय रुपये इतकी पगाराची मर्यादा उपलब्ध असल्याने, आठ फ्रँचायझी जास्तीत जास्त ३ भारतीय, २ परदेशी खेळाडू आणि २ अनकॅप्ड भारतीयांसह ४ खेळाडूंना कायम ठेवण्यास पात्र होते.

तुळाजी आंग्रे यांच्या आरमारात गलबत, गुरब, पट्टेमार, तीरकाठी, मनवर, बागला, बतेला, बोटील, महागिरी, पाल, पगार, तरणी, कतुर, करवल, तरवे, सिबाद,अशी एक्कावन्न प्रकारची जहाजे होती.

बेस नावाच्या कंपनीत धीरूभाई मासिक ३०० रुपये पगारावर पेट्रोल पंपावर नोकरी करू लागले.

त्यावेळी त्यांना फक्त ३५ रुपये पगार होता.

ऑफिसमधील लोकांच्या दर महा पगाराची आकड्मोड करणे इत्यादी.

salaries's Usage Examples:

During his term he increased teachers' salaries, eliminated many garbage dumps and oversaw the building of a garbage incinerator, had a bridge built over the railroad, eliminating a dangerous level crossing, opened a fire station in South Atlanta, and began the switch from horse-drawn to motor-driven firefighting equipment.

bad grammar, bad English, bad taste and unutterable tediousness"; That salaries should be raised substantially to attract decent teachers;.

Security policyDespite imposing a cap on salaries of high-ranking public servants, Calderón ordered a raise on the salaries of the Federal Police and the Mexican Armed Forces on his first day as president.

federal salaries was held in Switzerland on 28 May 1933.

Teachers in primary and secondary schools remained female, although as the war progressed, women began to move on to better employment and higher salaries.

In 2007, it was announced that civil service salaries had lagged behind those in the private sector and required revision.


occasional role, although the Apothecaries to the Household at Windsor and London hold daily surgeries, and other apothecaries receive smaller salaries and.

With free agency imminent after the season and the expectations of higher salaries for which Athletics owner Finley was unwilling to pay, he was traded along with Reggie Jackson and minor-league right-handed pitcher Bill Van Bommel to the Orioles for Don Baylor, Mike Torrez, and Paul Mitchell on April 2, 1976.

Energy Star, after salaries and benefits, energy costs are the largest operating expense for school districts.

employers or employees, and are usually calculated as a percentage of the salaries that employers pay their staff.

"UFC 183 salaries: Anderson Silva, Nick Diaz earn biggest paydays".

He strongly suggested to the board that they begin to reduce player salaries and gradually move the league into the summer months.


regular payment, found, paysheet, pay, living wage, sick pay, minimum wage, wage, take-home pay, earnings, strike pay, pay envelope, half-pay, merit pay, remuneration, double time, pay packet, combat pay, payroll,


charge, overpay, underpay, outgo, nonpayment,

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