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royster Meaning in marathi ( royster शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



Google, ऑयस्टर, शिंपले,

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royster मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

View Google Reader on a mobile device.

WebExtensions HTML व जावास्क्रिप्टचा API वापरत आणि Google Chrome आणि मायक्रोसॉफ्ट काठ विस्तार प्रणाली प्रमाणेच असेल, आणि एक मल्टि-प्रक्रिया वातावरणात चालवा डिझाइन केलेले आहे, पण ब्राउझरमध्ये प्रवेश समान पातळीवर सक्षम नाही.

Google Latitude is a mobile geolocation tool that lets your friends know where you are via Google Maps.

2007 मध्ये, Google Google मध्ये सामील झाले.

Google has not yet stated what it will do with the product.

com/find वर जा आणि आपल्या Google खात्यावर साइन इन करा.

Google नकाशे चालविण्यात याचा उपयोग होतो.

Free Webmail IMAP and POP e-mail service provided by Google, known for its abundant storage and advanced interface.

For other uses, see Google (disambiguation).

आपल्या गमावलेल्या फोनमध्ये एकापेक्षा जास्त वापरकर्ता प्रोफाइल असल्यास, मुख्य प्रोफाइल असलेल्या Google खात्यासह साइन इन करा.

Web conferencing software, used internally by Google's employees.

Image search application screen saver that searches files from Google Images, Picasa and Flickr.

मराठी संगीत नाटके This page is a summary of services and tools provided by Google Inc.

royster's Usage Examples:

Basil Williams said Temple "had all the coarse, roystering bluffness of the hardened old campaigners of that time".

young girls and women against the glances and advances of roysterers and mashers.

were long hanging sleeves, pointed shoes, late hours, intoxication, and roystering.

the Tower of London in February 1598 "for thrashing his friend, another roysterer of the day, Mr.

to protect young girls and women against the glances and advances of roysterers and mashers.

dynamos on last Monday night, and they certainly had a fine visit and a roystering game of romp.

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