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rocambole Meaning in marathi ( rocambole शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

युरोपियन कांदा लागवड आणि लीक सारखे वापर,

rocambole's Usage Examples:

Ophioscorodon, or hard-necked garlic, includes porcelain garlics, rocambole garlic, and purple stripe garlics.

In Brazil, it is called rocambole.

The sand leek (Allium scorodoprasum), also known as rocambole and Korean pickled-peel garlic, is a Eurasian species of wild onion with a native range.

This same cake is called rocambole in Brazil, and also uses a layer of pastry covered with goiabada, then.

old-fashioned favorites like coriander, corn-salad, orach, rampion, rocambole and skirret.

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