riper Meaning in marathi ( riper शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
वापरण्यायोग्य, पिकलेले, धार, पौष्टिक, वळले, तयार, प्रौढ,
पिकलेले, धार, पौष्टिक, वळले, तयार, प्रौढ,
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riper मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
पिकलेले भोकर फळ, अडूळसा पाने व बेहडा फळे समप्रमाणात घेऊन काढा करून खोकल्यावर देतात.
उपलब्धीचा काळ : पिकलेले फळ:- मार्च- मे .
फळ हे फुलातील पिकलेले अंडाशय होय.
एकेका फळात(शेंगेत) ४ ते ८ बिया असतात, पण पिकलेले बी एखादेच असते.
पिकलेले फळ झाडावरच तडकते.
कवठाचे पिकलेले फळ चवीला आंबट-गोड व तुरट असते.
बिनारेषेचे, चांगले पिकलेले अधिक गर असलेले पातळ सालीचे आणि लहान कोय असलेले आंबे चांगले समजावेत.
संस्थानात शेतांत पिकलेले धान्यच त्यांच्या भोजनात असे.
उपयोगी भाग : पिकलेले फळ .
वापर : पिकलेले फळ.
तर मार्च ते मेपर्यंत पिकलेले फळे खाण्यासाठी तयार होतात.
सुरवारी हिरडा – हिरड्याचे पूर्ण पिकलेले फळ म्हणजे सुरवारी, औषधी उपयोग अनेक.
riper's Usage Examples:
called Atlantic striped bass, striper, linesider, rock or rockfish, is an anadromous perciform fish of the family Moronidae found primarily along the Atlantic.
The term candy striper is derived from the red-and-white striped pinafores that female volunteers traditionally wore, which are culturally reminiscent.
narrator"s daily battles in the Home — complete with visits from a mohawk-coiffed candy-striper.
The road is marked commonly by a truck called a "striper.
complainant;[10] this became the basis of an article about "malicious cyber-gripers" in the New Jersey Law Journal.
His son Aripert did not succeed in taking the throne right away.
undercut the base of traditional sign making and with it the traditional pin striper.
Alarr and Greg Meng (2018) Classification Former; regular Profile Occupation Candy-striper Doctor with Doctors Without Borders Residence Salem, Illinois.
He praises Roberts as "riper, more dexterous with a comic line, slyer with modulation," concluding that "Roberts puts her heart into this one.
of Love", was prefaced with "I hope this cartoon pleases you gripers who whined about all those Akbar " Jeff strips where they stared at each other.
A candy-striper at the local hospital, she recovers his blood so that the doctors won't find out how different he is.
mature, mellow, ripened, mellowed, aged, overripe,
harden, stay, sober, new, green,