rifle shot Meaning in marathi ( rifle shot शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
रायफल शॉट
रायफल शॉट,
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rifle shot's Usage Examples:
incarcerated once again, Johnston instead took his own life with a single rifle shot to the head.
company in 1920, and began production of Anson " Deeley Drillings, double rifle drillings, drillings with three triggers, double rifles, and rifle shotgun.
airstrike the following day, Iraqi officials claimed a farmer with a Brno rifle shot down the Apache.
was hit and damaged by a 6-inch solid rifle shot which shattered the starboards safety-valve chamber and port safety valve as it rounded a bend beneath.
French general during the Peninsular War with an extremely long range rifle shot, then killing the general"s aide-de-camp, who had gone to his side to.
He helped found Adobe Walls, fired a buffalo rifle shot at the Second Battle of Adobe Walls, and for his actions at the "Buffalo.
Steele of The Philadelphia Inquirer, for their 15-month investigation of rifle shot provisions in the Tax Reform Act of 1986, a series that aroused such widespread.
dangerous when a storm brings heavy winds and rain into the studio and a rifle shot is produced by a real rifle.
disconnected from the game, until the third inning, when Ruth sent a rifle shot (or so it sounded to the young teen) over his head and over two rows of.
an imminent armistice with the Austrian army, he was just missed by a rifle shot.
Becoming an expert apple packer, he was also a skilled rifle shot and member of the Franklin rowing club.
He goes there and is killed in an ambush by a rifle shot.
officials made the decision to kill the gorilla, doing so with a single rifle shot.
rifle range, reach, range,
bottom out, stay in place, top out, fail,