riddling Meaning in marathi ( riddling शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
गोंधळ, डोके कताई, कोडे मध्ये प्रकाशित, एनिग्मा,
गूढ, कोडे, हलवू नका, एनिग्मा, झांजर, शेगडी, फक्किया, कोडी, फिल्टर करा,
वेगळा करणे, कोडे बोला, धान्य चाळून घ्या,
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riddling मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
नाझी मशीन एनिग्मा नंतर आणि मित्र राष्ट्र दलांना द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध जिंकण्यास मदत केल्याच्या दशकाहूनही कमी काळानंतर गणितज्ञ अॅलन ट्युरिंगने दुसर्या वेळी एका साध्या प्रश्नासह इतिहास बदलला: "मशीन्स विचार करू शकतात का?".
त्यांनी नाझी जर्मनीद्वारे वापरल्या गेलेल्या एनिग्मा सिफर मशीनच्या क्रिप्टेनालिसिसवर लक्ष केंद्रित केले आणि एकत्रितपणे जीसी अँड सीसीएस ज्येष्ठ कोडब्रेकर दिलीली नॉक्स देखील होते.
या हॉटेलचा एनिग्मा म्हणून ओळखला जाणारा नाइटक्लब प्रसिद्ध आहे.
बुलडॉगने एक जर्मन यू-बोट पकडली व त्यातून संपूर्णावस्थेत असलेले एनिग्मा यंत्र जप्त केले.
riddling's Usage Examples:
is Greek for "enigmatic animal", from αἰνικτός (aíniktós, "riddling, enigmatical").
Meanwhile, Lee faces Nygma off on a riddling contest in order to solve a conflict.
the riddling tradition.
" Gyropalette A mechanized riddling palate that can complete the remuage process that would manually take several weeks over the course a few days.
The Kadazan-Dusun has a fondness for riddling, giving names to places, things and actions in terms other than the actual.
grain: "most [bodhráns] were made out of sieves and riddles, you know, for riddling corn, they just removed the wire, and used the frame.
"Capping" verses were exchanged, "by varying, punning, riddling, or cleverly modifying" the previous contribution.
technique of riddling a secret but by the late 1820s the secret was out and Champagne houses were settling up production lines for riddling.
Fine ash dropped out and was rejected with the "riddlings".
After expending its bomb load, the bomber flew low and strafed the area, riddling the radio hut and other buildings with bullets.
are unable to carry out secondary fermentation in bottles larger than a magnum due to the difficulty in riddling large, heavy bottles.
The name comes from the folk tales of type "Out-riddling the judge" (Aarne–Thompson classification system for folk tales #927),.
bottle is manipulated, either manually or mechanically, in a process called remuage (or "riddling" in English), so that the lees settle in the neck of the.
simplify, travel,