rich man Meaning in marathi ( rich man शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
श्रीमंत माणूस, पैसा,
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rich man मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
या शोजमध्ये पैसा भरपूर मिळतो आणि रिॲलिटीच्या नावावर अनेकदा खोटरडेपणाही केला जातो हे मान्य असले, तरी या रिॲलिटी शोजनी मानवी नात्यांचा बाजार मांडला आहे हेही तितकेच खरे आहे.
ये रे ये रे पावसा, तुला देतो पैसा.
तेथे एका नातेवाइकाने केलेल्या द्रव्य साहाय्याने थोडासा व्यापार करून काही पैसा मिळवला.
या चित्रपटास सिराज अली हकीम यानेच पैसा पुरविला.
" संरक्षण उद्योग मोठ्या प्रमाणावर काँग्रेसच्या पदाधिकारी सदस्यांना ही पैसा पुरवत असते.
पैसा लुटून स्वातंत्र्याच्या कामासाठी वापर केला.
दिडकी- एक पैसा, दीड दुगाणी नाणे.
एक नेपाळी रुपया हा शंभर पैशामध्ये (एकवचन: पैसा, अनेकवचन: पैसे) विभागला जातो.
तृष्णाच मानवाला पैसा पत,प्रतिश्ठा,सामर्थ्य तसेच कोणतेही नैतीक,अनैतीक गोष्टी करण्यास प्रवृत्त करते.
गांधी, साने गुरुजी, पैसा फंडचे अध्यक्ष अंताजी दामोदर काळे यांच्या सभा संगमनेर येथे व्हाव्यात, राष्ट्रभक्तीविषयी लोकजागृती व्हावी यासाठी त्यांनी अखंड प्रयत्न केले.
गांधी खून खटल्यातील सर्व आरोपींचे खटले भोपटकरांनी एक पैसाही न घेता चालवले.
मध्यस्थ भागांसाठी खर्च केलेला हा एक मोठा पैसा आहे.
rich man's Usage Examples:
The rich man along with his neighbors bundled some clothes, utensils, reading and writing materials and went with the hunters.
story, once, a rich man had an ingot of gold, which he wanted to use to buy food.
Sinatra portrays a lowlife dreamer named Tony whose old friend Mario, now a rich man, expresses interest.
migrated to Travancore (now central and south Kerala) were called Sett, a vulgarisation of the appellation Seth or Saith - rich man - by the Tamil-oriented.
A rich man of an hospitable turn here, would have many visitors from Edinburgh.
Sadly, he did not die a rich man, having a penchant for gambling like his brothers.
A rich man presented him with a magnificent bed covering; he accepted it for one night, but then sold it, and disposed of the.
Notably, Sanjib Chattopadhyay, a biographer of Vidyasagar, revealed that Ishwar Chandra started his primary education in a school established and maintained by Shibcharan Mallick, a rich man of goldsmith caste in Calcutta.
Expansion in Europe Following the end of the railway mania and the drying up of contracts in France, Brassey could have retired as a rich man.
This ice-rich mantle, a few yards thick, smooths the land, but in places it has a bumpy texture, resembling the surface.
As the wife of a rich man, Bryant had duties related to the running of an upper-class household: .
The rich man and his companions were exhilarated to meet these peaceful people.
Zagreus implies that his life is a meaningless waste, and so Meursault decides to kill him in order to create his own happiness with the rich man's money.
toff, wealthy person, man of means, nabob, rich person, nob, have, wealthy man,
abstain, lack, lose, dissuade, refuse,