ribcage Meaning in marathi ( ribcage शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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ribcage's Usage Examples:
Kevlar strings may also be attached to the lower ribcage to.
The only downside in the victory was Pendleton suffering a strained ribcage while running the bases, which limited his availability in the World Series.
washboard or frottoir, which mimics rattling a bone up and down a fixed ribcage.
The student who performed the experiment consumes the snack and seems to gain superpowers, developing jagged hair and a crazed look as the now-fluorescent Burger Ring bounces inside the boy's ribcage, made visible by a radiographic effect akin to X-ray imaging.
the abdomen is pulled inwards and upwards under the lower edge of the ribcage madhyana nauli: only the central muscles of the abdomen are contracted.
surrounding the lungs resulting in decreased movement of the lung and ribcage.
liver punch is a punch, kick, or knee strike to the right side of the ribcage that damages the liver.
which allows bypass surgery to be conducted off-pump without opening the ribcage.
It has a broader ribcage than most other prosimians, and has many lumbar vertebrae lending it considerable flexibility.
Diaphragmatic rupture (also called diaphragmatic injury or tear) is a tear of the diaphragm, the muscle across the bottom of the ribcage that plays a crucial role.
a severe skeletal disorder characterized by a disproportionately small ribcage, extremely short limbs and folds of extra skin on the arms and legs.
impressions of the back of the head together with a natural cast of the ribcage, some vertebrae, the right forelimb, the right femur and a right foot.
Thick ribs formed a box-like ribcage with an almost-square cross-section, which enabled Paraplacodus to remain.