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removes Meaning in marathi ( removes शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

काढून टाकते, अपवर्तन, समाप्त करा, उद्धृत करणे, दूर करणे, विस्थापित करा, तुतान, हस्तांतरित करण्यासाठी, हलवा, परिष्कृत करा, बदला, यार्ड, चालता हो, गुड बाय म्हणा, नष्ट करा, निर्मूलन, त्यातून सुटका, निघून जा, काढा, हद्दपार करा, निष्कासित करणे, फेडणे, उपटणे, बाजूला ठेव, तोडणे,




अपवर्तन, समाप्त करा, उद्धृत करणे, दूर करणे, विस्थापित करा, तुतान, हस्तांतरित करण्यासाठी, हलवा, परिष्कृत करा, बदला, यार्ड, चालता हो, गुड बाय म्हणा, नष्ट करा, त्यातून सुटका, निघून जा, काढा, हद्दपार करा, निष्कासित करणे, फेडणे, उपटणे, बाजूला ठेव, तोडणे,

removes मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मस्जिद अहेले हडेस हलवा पूल, कुर्ला (प).

नृत्य पेटविलेल्या नमुन्यांची प्रकाशित ओळी अधिक आकर्षक दिसण्यासाठी नर्तकाने जमीन हळूच हलवावी म्हणून तयार केले जातात.

तीनबत्ती चौकाच्या डाव्या बाजूला अगदी समोर सुप्रसिद्ध पंजाबी चंदू हलवाई हे मिठाईचे दुकान आहे.

श्रीमंत दगडूशेठ हलवाई यांच्यातर्फे कृतज्ञता पुरस्कार.

एनोला त्याला जुजीत्सु हलवा वापरून ट्रिप करते, ज्यामुळे डोक्याला गंभीर दुखापत होते.

हलवा भारत वगळता अरबस्तान, इराण , तुर्कस्थान अशा इतर देशातही बनतात.

कुलाबा माशांच्या विविधतेसाठी जसे बॉोंबील (बॉम्बे डक), रावस, हलवा, कासव, खेकडे,कोळंबी व शेवंड( लाॅलॅबस्टर) प्रसिद्ध होते.

जॉन वाइल्डर आणि बाप्टिस्ट एज्युकेशन सोसायटीने नवीन विद्यापीठ न्यूयॉर्कमधील रोचेस्टर येथे हलवावे अशी विनंती केली.

हलवा हा एक भारतीय गोड खाद्य प्रकार आहे.

दगडूशेठ हलवाई गणपती (पुणे).

सन १८९६ साली श्रीमंत दगडूशेठ हलवाई गणपतीची दुसरी मूर्ती तयार करण्यात आली व तिचा उत्सव होऊ लागला.

removes's Usage Examples:

As it does so, it either removes a pollinium or deposits one from a previously-visited flower of the same species,.

followed by the scutching operation, which removes the broken woody pieces (shives) by beating or scraping.

It also removes the need to have separate viewfinders for different lens focal lengths.

A crankcase ventilation system removes unwanted gases from the crankcase of an internal combustion engine.

Next, centrifuging filtration removes the crystals of BaZnGa from the liquid BaZn.

A truncation removes vertices, and inserts a new facet in place.

Army removes Richard Cromwell as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth and reinstalls the Rump Parliament.

The CNG carrier removes the dispatch bottle neck which is preventing monetising of small isolated offshore gas fields, by enabling them to produce natural.

drive for files that are no longer of any use, and then removes the unnecessary files.

Mitring the bend reduces the area of metallization, and so removes the excess capacitance.

It provides several benefits over using a flatbed scanner to scan in a print of any size: the photographer has direct control over cropping and aspect ratio from the original, unmolested image on film; and many film scanners have special software or hardware that removes scratches and film grain and improves color reproduction from film.

She removes the band but does not destroy it, because that might not accomplish the goal of releasing the kings.


get out, decarburize, pick, head, brush, condense, turn over, delve, clean, unburden, chip away at, wash away, tip, bale out, undress, burl, decorticate, unpack, take away, wipe away, detoxify, leach, scale, dislodge, extract, decarburise, tear off, throw away, unsaddle, bone, unveil, pit, detusk, carry off, husk, muck, cast off, spoon, bear off, lade, empty, decalcify, divest, flick, descale, drive out, withdraw, desorb, degas, take off, throw, hypophysectomise, free, exenterate, de-iodinate, take up, scavenge, ablate, shed, draw off, ladle, skim off, shuck, cut into, wear off, take out, enucleate, pull off, eviscerate, epilate, string, draw out, cream, debone, cast, seed, depilate, tusk, scoop up, cream off, delete, defuse, bail out, de-ionate, hull, drop, throw off, draw, harvest, tear away, demineralize, lift out, wear away, pull, clear out, wipe off, scoop, clear, wash, chip away, delouse, excavate, scoop out, weed, decarbonise, clear away, detoxicate, shake off, expectorate, winnow, cancel, decarbonize, stem, burr, wash off, unhinge, carry away, bail, dredge, ream, hypophysectomize, amputate, take, stone, eliminate, bur, suck out, demineralise, dig, knock out, resect, laden, unstring, disembowel, defang, lift, extirpate, hollow, shell, draw away, crumb, clear off, cut off, carve out, discharge, clear up, disinvest, decoke, wash out, scalp, undock, pull up, pull out, circumcise, offsaddle, bear away, gut, strip, dismantle, dehorn, aspirate, skim, disburden,


string, iodinate, pack, calcify, ionate, charge, dock, burden, lodge, saddle, fuse,

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