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reflectors Meaning in marathi ( reflectors शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

परावर्तक, समीक्षक,


परावर्तक, समीक्षक,

reflectors मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अणुकेंद्रीय विक्रियकातून (अणुभट्टीतून) मोठ्या प्रमाणात न्यूट्रॉन बाहेर निसटून जाऊ नयेत म्हणून त्याच्याभोवती जास्तीत जास्त प्रतिक्षेपाचा परावर्तक उभारतात.

कधीकधी एकवर्णी (प्रत्येक तरंगलांबीसाठी) प्रतिक्षेप काढून त्यांच्या साहाय्याने खस्थ पदार्थाचे परावर्तकता वक्र काढतात.

आदर्श परावर्तक पृष्ठावर पडलेला प्रकाश पूर्णपणे परावर्तित केला जातो असे मानतात त्यामुळे त्याचा प्रतिक्षेप तत्त्वतः १ (किंवा १००%) असतो.

त्यामुळे अन्न व औषधे यांच्या भेसळींबद्दल विशेष कायदे करण्यात येतात व परावर्तक शिक्षेची तरतूदही करण्यात येते.

ग्रामीण भागात परमार फाऊंडेशनने बैलगाड्यांना १२ हजार परावर्तक पुरवले होते, त्यात मोटारी बैलगाड्यांवर आदळू नयेत हा हेतू होता.

reflectors's Usage Examples:

apparatus; that year the reflectors were replaced by a modern electric light unit.

The first of his lighthouses - Kinnaird Head (1787) - had 17 whale-oil lamps backed by parabolic reflectors and was said to be the most powerful light of its day with a reported range of 12 to 14 miles (10 to 12 mmi; 19 to 23"nbsp;km).

Each of the two American spacecraft, launched in 1960 and 1964, were metalized balloon satellites acting as passive reflectors of microwave signals.

dipping reflectors to their true subsurface positions and collapses diffractions, resulting in a migrated image that typically has an increased spatial.

rectangular radio reflectors and a set of secondary reflectors and receivers, based at an altitude of 970 m.

reflectors had largely been passed over in favour of small achromats (2 lens refractors).

For example, in one equipment line, reflectors range from 7 to 16 inch diameter, while the beauty.

Neutron reflectors reduce a coolant.

Manufacturing such reflectors within tight tolerances was not straightforward, but the innovations devised by Smith gave his lamps quadruple the power of standard oil-lit lamps without any kind of reflector.

It uses two reflectors.

reflectors are usually on wheels, pedals, under the seat, on the back of the luggage rack, and in front of the front fork.

For real diffuse reflectors, the ratio of luminance to illuminance in these units is roughly equal.


solar furnace, parabolic reflector, solar dish, device, paraboloid reflector, solar collector, mirror,

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