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reduction Meaning in marathi ( reduction शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कपात, कमी करणे किंवा कमी करणे,


सारांश, बदला, गिळणे, कमी, संक्षेप, स्वल्पविराम, लाइटनिंग,

reduction मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ते वांशिक दृष्ट्या मंगोलियन वंशाचे असल्याने त्यांच्या शरीरावर व चेहऱ्यावर केसांचे प्रमाण फारच कमी असते.

अर्थात सैनिकांना जास्त आणि नागरिकांना कमी पुरवठा असे धोरण असते.

तसेच लोकसंख्यमध्ये १२% हे सहा वर्षांपेक्षा कमी वयाचे आहेत.

रेम झोपेचा कालावधि कमी होतो.

सहा कॅरिबियन देशाच्या मिशन्सनंतर असे दिसून आले आहे नंतरच्या वापरात आणण्यासाठी पावसाचे पाणी साठवल्याने मातीच्या किंवा पाण्याच्या टंचाईमुळे काही किंवा सर्व वर्षांसाठी होणारा कापणीचा धोका कमी होण्यास मदत होते.

जिल्ह्यातील वनक्षेत्र अतिशय कमी आहे.

६ च्या अंदाजे जागतिक सरासरीपेक्षा खूपच कमी आहे.

जिथे प्रीमियम मर्यादित आणि कमी कालावधीसाठी भरला जाते आणि इन्‍शुअरचा पर्याय मृत्यूपर्यंत किंवा तत्पूर्वीचा असतो.

यामुळे ए३४०ची लोकप्रियता काही अंशी कमी झाली आहे.

जलप्रदूषण रंकाळ्यातील संध्यामठ परिसरात मार्च महिन्यापासून पाणी कमी होत जाते.

जायभायवाडी कमी पर्जन्यमान असल्याने हे गाव नेहमीच दुष्काळी भागात मोडते.

या दाव्याची ठाम पुष्टी जरी झाली नसली तरी या शिळेच्या एका छोट्याशा तुकड्यावरून यात कमी घनता असलेल्या सिलिका या पदार्थाचे अवशेष सापडले आहेत.

अतिप्रमाणात मासेमारी झाल्याने रावसची संख्या आता कमी होत चाललेली आहे.

reduction's Usage Examples:

The ship was propelled by single, impulse-reaction type, reduction geared turbines furnished with steam by oil fired tube boilers for about 6,500 horsepower.

Decarburization (or decarbonization) is the process opposite to carburization, namely the reduction of carbon content.

After testing the prototype with the deflector, driver Richie Ginther commented that high-speed stability seemed to improve with only a slight reduction in top speed, leading to the inclusion of this feature on all 1961 bodies.

Galactitol (dulcitol) is a sugar alcohol, the reduction product of galactose.

As stated before, the counter electrode is responsible for collecting electrons from the external circuit and introducing them back into the electrolyte to catalyze the reduction reaction of the redox shuttle, generally I3- to I-.

reduction or deprivation of all genital stimulation, often ensured by use a chastity device or other physical barrier to genital touch or full erection.

Due to changes in transportation after the construction of the interstate highway system in the postwar years and shift to trucking, railroads in the late 20th century went through widespread restructuring and reduction.

They also differ from urine-diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) where pathogen reduction is achieved through dehydration.

2011, while on a training exercise Vengeance suffered a blockage in her propulsor causing a reduction in propulsion.

Railway rationalisation: The Larkin Plan By 1955 the reduction of the network was implemented through the so-called Larkin Plan (named because of American General Thomas B.

VIA Rail experienced massive reductions in scheduling in 1990, resulting in the Southern transcontinental service being terminated.

over 30 years shows that diversity training and grievance procedures backfires and leads to reductions in the diversity of the firms workforce.


devitalisation, reverse stock split, declassification, cut, cutback, minimisation, easing, amortisation, shortening, change of magnitude, contraction, palliation, price reduction, de-escalation, weakening, mitigation, depletion, easement, depreciation, rollback, deduction, alleviation, minimization, diminution, step-down, tax credit, subtraction, reverse split, amortization, moderation, devitalization, discount, shelter, extenuation, split down, devaluation, deflation, relief, tax shelter, shrinking, lowering, decrease,


inflation, classification, strengthening, addition, increase, appreciation, expansion, maximization,

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