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redoubled Meaning in marathi ( redoubled शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

दुप्पट करणे, दुहेरी, वाढवण्यासाठी,

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redoubled मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हा विद्युतीकरण झालेला रुंदमापी दुहेरी लोहमार्ग आहे.

तो एकेरी आणि दुहेरी चुली व शेगड्याही तयार करतो, मात्र त्या भाजायची गरज नसते.

त्याचप्रमाणे दुहेरी पाकळ्या असलेली निशिगंधाची फुले सुहासिनी या नावाने कृषी क्षेत्रात परिचित आहे.

या राशीची व्यक्ती दुहेरी स्वभावाची असते अशी ज्योतिषींची मान्यता आहे.

जयपूरच्या राजस्थान विद्यापीठातून ते विज्ञान पदवी आणि पदव्युत्तर पदवीचे दोन्ही वेळा दुहेरी सुवर्णपदक विजेते आहेत.

ग्रॅंड स्लॅम अंतिम फेर्‍या (मिश्र दुहेरी).

२००६च्या मेलबोर्न राष्ट्रकुल खेळांत महिलांच्या १० मीटर एअर रायफल सिंगल्स आणि महिलांच्या १० मीटर एअर रायफल दुहेरी प्रकारात अवनीत कौर सिद्धूसोबत तिने सुवर्णपदकांची कमाई केली.

प्रामुख्याने दुहेरीमध्ये यशस्वी ठरलेल्या सुगियामाने आजवर महेश भूपतीसोबत १९९९ यू.

| तूफान, हिंदी चित्रपट || तूफान, शाम || दुहेरी भुमिका.

मोठी बहीण व्हीनस विल्यम्स हीच सेरेनाची दुहेरीमध्ये जोडीदार राहिली आहे.

आपल्या कारकीर्दीत हिंगीसने ५ एकेरी, ९ महिला दुहेरी व १ मिश्र दुहेरी ग्रॅंड स्लॅम स्पर्धा जिंकल्या.

redoubled's Usage Examples:

Their moans The vales redoubled to the hills, and they To Heaven.

After the Nationalists fled to Formosa (Taiwan) in 1949, Judd redoubled his support.

The Shimazu besieging army noted their approach, and redoubled their efforts to take Toshimitsu castle, so that when the invaders arrived.

As part of its redoubled focus on gambling, Ladbrokes returned to casinos in September 1994, with a £50 million purchase of three clubs in London, which it stated was the first step in building an international casino business.

redoubled, making an overtrick, is always worth more than an undoubled small slam.

for insult", is received at the end of any deal in which a doubled or redoubled contract is bid and made If the contract is defeated, the defenders receive.

It might use the redoubled agent.

known redoubled agent in order to conceal other operations.

and 15 spade odd tricks were needed); the score could be doubled and redoubled; and there were slam bonuses.

His first church mission failed, but he redoubled his efforts and was rewarded with a successful congregation in Opelousas.

Following this failure and the throning of a new Sultan, the Ottomans redoubled their military efforts and made.

colloquially known as "for insult", is received at the end of any deal in which a doubled or redoubled contract is bid and made If the contract is defeated, the.

and shout again, Responsive to his call,—with quivering peals, And long halloos, and screams, and echoes loud Redoubled and redoubled; concourse wild Of.




weakened, decreased,

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