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recheck Meaning in marathi ( recheck शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पुन्हा तपासा



recheck's Usage Examples:

tied 2-2, the Camrose goaltender attempted to cover the puck but it was poked loose and into the empty net by the Weyburn forechecker, Rick Woods.

tail_file pretty_name tail_file write_header tail_file tail tail_forever recheck tail_forever pretty_name tail_forever write_header tail_forever dump_remainder.

scandal, but after an appeal, both teams demanded to have their cases rechecked.

Priyanka rechecks to see whether it is properly locked and keeps the key on the table as.

Formed and machined parts are assembled and tack-welded in place, then rechecked for accuracy.

live as they develop and at all times backed by a community checking and rechecking all facts," said Wales.

This allows comparison in lameness when rechecking after treatment has been implemented.

The campaign is rechecking results precinct-by-precinct, reviewing "math sheets or other paperwork".

The second edition was brought out in 1909 after a fair amount of rechecking and revising.

had to be taken back to its checkout facility, where it was cleaned and rechecked.

The five candidates in ballot paper order were: A recheck of all election night counts was conducted on Sunday 13 April, and early.

character", and who merely considered it "desirable that research constantly rechecked even historical theses that are considered valid".

essential for a director to show actors where to change their moves, or to recheck dialogue lines, and also helps the script supervisor.

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