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rebuking Meaning in marathi ( rebuking शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पाठलाग, देठ, म्हणे, टोमणे मारणे, थुरा, करकण, फटकारणे,


पाठलाग, टोमणे मारणे, म्हणे, देठ, थुरा, करकण, फटकारणे,

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rebuking मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पानाचे देठ (petioles) काटेरी असतात.

तांबड्या प्रकारच्या भाजीची पाने काळसर लाल व लांब देठाची असतात.

शेपूची पाने संयुक्त त्रिगुण-पिच्छाकृती, शेवटचे दलक रेषाकृती, देठ तळाजवळ रूंदट, फुले लहान पिवळी व संयुक्त चामरकल्प फुलोऱ्यात साधारणतः जुलै-ऑगस्टमध्ये येतात.

पाने साधी असून समोरासमोर, अंडाकृती, दातेरी व देठाकडे निमुळती असतात.

Calystegia : देठाचे पिळे घालतघालत वरवर चढणारी वेल.

याची लागवड बियांपासून तसेच जाडसर देठ रोवून करता येते.

पानाचा देठ बारीक असतो.

हे हृदय नसे परी स्थंडिल धगधगलेले ।ओठ कशाचे देठची फुलल्या पारिजातकाचे ।।.

यामध्ये अनेक छदे एकत्र येऊन त्यांनी फुलोर्‍याच्या देठाजवळ गोलाकार कडे तयार केलेले असते.

याचे खोड फिकट तपकिरी रंगाचे असून पाने फिकट हिरवी, पंख्याच्या आकाराची साधारण ५ फुटापर्यंत व्यास असलेली,लांब देठांची असतात.

हे सर्वात खालचे मंडळ असून ते फुलाच्या देठाच्या टोकाशी रचलेले असते.

या अभिवृद्धीत पान, त्याचे देठ व खोडाचा थोडासा भाग ज्यात बगल डोळा असतो तो घेतात.

फेब्रुवारी ते एप्रिल या काळात या झाडांच्या फांद्यांच्या टोकास विरळ परिमंजरीवर लहान आकाराची फिकट लाल व आखूड देठांची फुले येतात.

rebuking's Usage Examples:

that the Israelites argued with Moses about the lack of water, with Moses rebuking the Israelites for testing Yahweh, hence the name Massah, which means testing.

and satisfaction to the submissive, in the giving of orders or else in rebuking the submissive for supposed performance failings at the workplace, such.

and tactics—which included trying to stare down opponents and publicly rebuking union officials who angered him—also made him the nemesis of many workers.

Later, regretting rebuking Li Jing, he stated to Li Jing, People have accused you to hurt you.

On June 28, 1991, a federal appeals court reversed the convictions, rebuking the trial judge for exercising undue pressure on the jurors.

Cromwell wrote to Hacker, 25 December 1650, rebuking him for slightingly describing one of his subalterns as a better preacher than fighter, and.

Coast Killas," prominent rappers from California, New York, and Texas rebuking rap"s recently ugly East–West "war.

It is "an act that includes rebuking and the delivery of harsh words".

Bhima saw his brothers along with wife rebuking that demon.

He gesticulates at Martha, the woman standing behind Mary, rebuking her for her frustration.

RSV set a modern trend in literally rebuking "homosexuals".

His speech results in the suitors" rebuking Eumaeus.

seek Shura or consultation from their subjects; and the importance of rebuking unjust rulers.


lambast, criticize, chastise, knock, brush down, pick apart, chew up, jaw, castigate, trounce, dress down, berate, rag, bawl out, correct, criticise, scold, have words, objurgate, tell off, lambaste, chasten, reprimand, reproof, chide, take to task, call down, call on the carpet, remonstrate, lecture, chew out,


pressurise, pressurize, depressurize, desynchronize, praise,

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