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rapist Meaning in marathi ( rapist शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




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rapist मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

बलात्कारी वास्तवाचा वेध म्हणजे बलात्कार आणि त्यातून झालेल्या खुनाच्या घटनांना, न्यायव्यवस्था, जात, परंपरा आणि स्वतः स्त्रीयांनाच अशा घटनांना कारणीभूत ठरवल्या जाते, असा प्रयत्न समाज पातळीवर सुरू आहे, हे त्या लक्षात आणून देतात.

कलम २२८(ए) नुसार बलात्कारीत स्त्रीचे नाव गोपनीय ठेवणे बंधनकारक असून तिचे नाव जाहीर.

बलात्कारी वेताळाशी पंचवीस रात्रींमध्ये झालेला संवाद असे रूप घेऊन पुस्तक समोर येत असल्यामुळे बलात्काराचे भयानक रूपही थोडे सौम्य आणि वाचनीय होते.

बुकगंगा डॉट कॉमवरील सर्वसामान्य वाचक संतोष पाटील यांच्या पुस्तक-समीक्षणानुसार पुस्तकाच्या मलपृष्ठावरील दाव्यास अनुसरून बलात्कारी संस्कृती केव्हा आणि कशी निर्माण झाली याची माहिती प्रत्यक्ष पुस्तकात मिळत नाही.

महाराष्ट्र टाइम्सच्या स्तंभ लेखिका प्रगती बाणखेले यांच्या मतानुसार, 'बलात्कारी वेताळ पुस्तकात सतत तो निर्गुण निराकार असल्याचा (कंटाळा यावा इतक्या वेळा) दावा करतो.

मात्र सर्व कथांनुसार तिला व तिचा प्रेमी (किंवा बलात्कारी) इंद्र यांना गौतम ऋषी शाप देतात.

या पुस्तकात बलात्कारी पुरुषाशी काल्पनिक स्वरुपात संवाद साधून प्रत्यक्षात त्याची मत जाणून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न केला आहे.

या पुस्तकात बलात्कारी वेताळाची कहाणीच्या स्वरुपात मांडणी केली आहे.

युद्धखोरी, दहशतवाद, पुरुषसत्ताकता, बाजारपेठेची हुकूमशाही, चंगळवाद, मूलतत्त्ववाद या सगळ्यांशी नाते सांगणार्‍या बलात्कारी वेताळाला संपवण्यासाठी काय करायचे, हे मात्र थोडक्यात गुंडाळले आहे.

rapist's Usage Examples:

therapists, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, chiropractors, orthopedists, prosthesis, equipment personnel, referees, or social workers.

other such as murders, active shooters, kidnappers, rapists, burglars, muggers and torturers.

A 2002 landmark study of undetected date rapists in Boston found that compared with non-rapists, rapists are measurably more angry at women and more.

The dental team includes dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and sometimes dental therapists.

In 1998, Peaks won an arbitrated case against a Florida physical therapist who had sued her, claiming he suffered from whiplash because she swung her breasts (the size of which was variously reported at the time as 60HHH and 69HH) into his face while dancing at a club his friends had taken him to for his bachelor party.

On Friday 13 April 2018 someone vandalized the statue with graffiti which read "rapist" and "racist".

Amsterdam, where he was found living with a friend, a convicted double rapist.

pathologist (SLP) or a speech and language therapist, both of whom may be known by the shortened description, speech therapist.

NetMarvel UniverseComics characters introduced in 1982Fictional characters with immortalityFictional rapistsMale characters in comicsMarvel Comics characters who use magicMarvel Comics demonsMarvel Comics mutatesMarvel Comics supervillains William Alexander Lester III (born February 6, 1961) is an American semi-retired professional racing driver.

She shoplifts compulsively—apparently a manifest symptom of kleptomania—a behavior for which she sees a therapist.

(1863-1928), Brazilian physician, radiologist, medical physicist and radiotherapist Beatriz Pereira Alvim (1380-1414), Portuguese, daughter of Nuno Álvares.

behavior therapists, as well as allied health professionals such as phlebotomists, medical laboratory scientists, dieticians, and social workers.

According to the National Commission of Justice and Peace and the Pakistan Hindu Council (PHC) around 1000 Christian and Hindu minority women are converted to Islam and then forcibly married off to their abductors or rapists.


aggressor, crook, felon, assaulter, outlaw, raper, attacker, criminal, assailant, malefactor,


allow, decriminalize, innocent, legal, right,

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