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ransacked Meaning in marathi ( ransacked शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तोडफोड केली, भांडण, गुडघा,



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ransacked मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गुडघा याच्या वाटीवरील कूर्चा झिजल्यास अतिशय त्रास होतो.

आघाडीचा पाय खाली उतरताच, खालच्या दिशेने जोरदार ढकलले जाते ज्यामुळे मागील पायांच्या गुडघा बगलाच्या खाली आणि छातीसमोरून येऊ शकतात.

स्त्री चरित्रलेख नी (गुडघा) ही एक प्रकारची लहान भिंत आहे.

यात फलंदाज उसळी मारुन साधारण गुडघा व छातीच्या मध्ये अंगावर लेगसाइडला आलेल्या चेंडूला हलका फटका मारुन स्क्वेर लेग आणि यष्टीरक्षक यांच्यामध्ये पाठवतो.

शेवटी चेंडू देखील पण गुडघा गुडघा सह लीड्स, पाऊल आणि मध्ये शक्य घट्ट म्हणून tucked, आडव्या आहे काख .

पायात अडथळा दूर होताच, लांब, मंद पेंडुलमचा प्रभाव कमी करण्यासाठी गुडघा पुन्हा वाकणे सुरू करते.

या खेळामध्ये बैलांना पळण्यासाठी ५०० फूट लांबीचा चरी मारलेला एक मातीचा ट्रॅक बनवला जातो, कि ज्यामध्ये गुडघाभर पाणी असते.

गुडघा काहीसा वाकलेला असतो.

उडी मध्ये कंबर व गुडघा यांचे कार्य.

झाड, दगड, धोंडा, घोडा, डोळा, डोके, हाड, पोट, गुडघा, बोका, रेडा, बाजारी, वांगे, लुगडे, झोप, खुळा, चिमणी, ढेकूण, कंबर, पीठ, डोळा, मुलगा, लाजरा, वेढा, गार लाकूड ओटी वेडा अबोला लूट अंघोळ उडी शेतकरी आजार रोग ओढा चोर वारकरी मळकट धड ओटा डोंगर.

पाय, गुडघा, कंबर या प्रकारांना खालील भागाचे कृत्रिम अंग असे म्हणतात.

मानेचे, तसेच कंबरेचे मणके (स्पाँडिलोसिस) आणि गुडघा, खांदा, घोटा, तसेच बोटांच्या सांध्यांत अशी झीज होते.

ransacked's Usage Examples:

Elected president in 1916, his Constitución home was ransacked during a coup against him in 1930.

" The West African folklore tale of a peddler whose wares are ransacked by monkeys that proceed to imitate his gestures.

able-bodied fled, the houses were ransacked by the soldiery, and the village set on fire.

The Cossacks ransacked Орёл and abandoned it, half-submerged, in an estuary of the Volga.

Around 18-26 men barged their way into the Ashram where the nuns lived and ransacked the entire.

On March 1997, five men in military uniforms ransacked the station and destroyed USD"80,000 of newly installed equipment; in.

400 shops were looted, and the offices of two Turkish newspapers ransacked.

After investigating the ransacked lodgings, she abduces that the kidnappers were after a secret message hidden in Mrs.

Student militants ransacked the Xi family home and one of Xi's sisters, Xi Heping, committed suicide from the pressure.

However, the Hindu and Jain writers state that Prithviraj defeated Muhammad multiple times before being killed:The Hammira Mahakavya claims that after defeating Muhammad for the first time, Prithviraj forced him to apologize to the princes whose territories he had ransacked, before letting him go.

Jewish homes were ransacked, as were shops, towns and villages, as SA stormtroopers and civilians destroyed buildings with sledgehammers, leaving the streets covered in pieces of smashed windows—the origin of the name Kristallnacht, which freely translated means the Night of Broken Glass.

"Halebidu" because it was damaged and deserted into "old capital" after being ransacked and looted twice by forces of the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century.

Sophie's eldest brother William, now German Emperor, quickly ransacked his father's things in the hopes of finding incriminating evidence of liberal plots.


plundered, looted, empty, pillaged,


arrive, emptiness, fill, preserved, full,

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