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rank and file Meaning in marathi ( rank and file शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रँक आणि फाइल, सर्वात खालच्या दर्जाचे सैनिक, सामान्य सैनिक, राजकीय कार्यकर्ते, सामान्य लोक,


सामान्य सैनिक, सर्वात खालच्या दर्जाचे सैनिक, राजकीय कार्यकर्ते, सामान्य लोक,

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rank and file मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्या क्षणी, सर्व सप्त आकाशात दिसले आणि सामान्य सैनिकांवर वापरलेले हे अंतिम शस्त्र मागे घेण्याची विनंती द्रोणाला केली.

सामान्य सैनिकांविरूद्ध दैवी शस्त्रे वापरली गेली, रात्रभर युद्ध चालू राहिले, योद्ध्यांनी आता एकमेकांना एकमेकांशी व्यस्त ठेवले नाही, विशेषतः, युधिष्ठिराला ताब्यात घेऊन युद्ध संपवण्याचा प्रयत्न करण्यास तो तयार होता, कर्ण नव्हता म्हणून सन्मानाचा अभाव असल्याचे मानले.

४ वर्षे कारावास भोगल्यानंतर सायबेरियातच त्यांना सामान्य सैनिक म्हणून काम करण्याची शिक्षा देण्यात आली.

त्यांनी झलकारीबाईचा उल्लेख कोळीण आणि लक्ष्मीबाईच्या सैन्यातील एक सामान्य सैनिक असा केला आहे.

rank and file's Usage Examples:

very few paid employees; armed trusties ["trusted" inmates, according to the source] guard rank and file inmates and trusties perform other tasks usually.

area of Britain because the rank and file of the Danish armies, from whom sokemen were descended, had settled in the area and imported their own social system.

The officers" lace and buttons were silver; the lace of the rank and file was plain white.

Lloyd each then promising to equip his twenty men apiece, and sundry other gentlemen aiding to dress up others of the rank and file.

agreed to concentrate in Santa Fe de Ralito, several paramilitary demobilizations began in earnest, thousands of their "rank and file" fighters were.

members (rank and file members) and negotiates labour contracts (collective bargaining) with employers.

The campaign was essentially a response against perceived moral laxity in the Communist rank and file which has, over the years, according to the.

In August 1939, Pressman appeared before the Senate Labor Committee to state that Green's support did not represent AFL rank and file.

The victory was marred when the British rank and file thoroughly sacked the city, despite the efforts of their officers.

Wallace's acquisition of executive authority had been unpopular with the rank and file in Congress, and most members supported Hull, a former senator, in his attacks on the BEW and its chairman.

These appointments, however, were usually reserved for ex-officers, and not for the rank and file soldier.

supported a renewed coalition, but talks failed when the SPÖ rank and file balked at the proposed coalition terms.

From New York in 1936, the Associated Press observed that in recent years well-dressed men have been discarding spats because they have become the property of the rank and file.


personnel, rank, force, enlisted man,


upgrade, downgrade, incomplete, inconspicuous, sterile,

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