rammers Meaning in marathi ( rammers शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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rammers मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
क्रॅम, रसायनशास्त्र, १९८७.
एककांमध्ये, किलोग्रॅम वर्ग मीटर प्रत्येकी चतुर्घाती सेकंद(दर चतुर्घाती सेकंदाला किलोग्रॅम.
लहान माशी अपीस फ्लोरिआ या माशा कमी मध गोळा करतात आणि त्यांच्या प्रत्येक वसाहतीमागे अंदाजे २००-९०० ग्रॅम मध मिळतो.
त्यात एक किलो ३०० ग्रॅम वजनाचा मुखवटा व २८० ग्रॅम वजनाचे गणपतीचे अलंकार होते.
(सिंगल फेज क्षमता ३० किलोग्रॅम काजूगर):.
प्रगत बुद्धिबळामधे १-० अशी क्रॅमनिकने आघाडी घेतली आहे.
रेशीम कोषापासून कच्चे रेशीम सूत बाजारात वेगळया वेगळया डॅनियरमध्ये (एक डॅनियर म्हणजे नऊ किलोमीटर लांबीच्या धाग्याचे ग्रॅमधील वजन) उपलब्ध असते.
१ मी आणि वजन १४ किलोग्रॅम असते.
आंबेडकर आंतरराष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार, गांधी शांतता पुरस्कार, रॅमन मॅगसेसे पुरस्कार, टेम्पलटन पुरस्कार आणि जमनालाल बजाज पुरस्कार यासह असंख्य पुरस्कार आणि पुरस्कारांचे विजेते; भारताचे आधुनिक गांधी म्हणूनही ओळखले जाते.
अर्भकाचे वजन जन्मताना 1500-2500 ग्रॅम असल्यास ती कमी वजनाची समजली जातात.
द पिरॅमिड (कादंबरी) (इ.
rammers's Usage Examples:
'Baby, Hold On' and 'Two Tickets to Paradise' (both from the debut) came as a godsend to meat-and-potatoes rockers — and radio programmers — who felt vaguely threatened by the encroaching onslaught of punk and disco.
approach allowed the game to appeal to both non-programmers and programmers alike, as in the latter case, it gave programmers a challenge of how to make "an.
Although 8-bits was the minimum in applications, programmers could choose up to a maximum of 24 bits for lighting precision.
These ready-made subroutines were created to help programmers.
Over the years, programmers ported the NSS configuration file with nearly identical implementations to many other operating systems including FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux, HP-UX, IRIX and AIX.
Programmers might use this handle to check some property (e.
without granting programmers right to deploy such procedures, leads to reimplementing queries outside the database.
eschews the use of residuals, and by giving the actors these, they would trivialize the efforts of the programmers and artists that are most responsible for.
They are easier and more efficient for programmers because they are closer to natural languages.
Its language constructs as well as its object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for.
She was educated at Manor House School, Surrey, and then at crammers before entering Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, in 1933 where she.
Stack Overflow is a question and answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers.
functions of the question mark, or interrogative point; and the exclamation mark, or exclamation point, known in the jargon of printers and programmers as a.