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rambles Meaning in marathi ( rambles शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

रॅम्बल्स, भटकणे, यादृच्छिकपणे चर्चा करा, चुकीच्या मार्गाने, रांगणे, वळा, कुंपण वळणे, विसंगत होतात, प्रवासासाठी,


भटकणारे विचार, प्रवास, भटकंती, विसंगतता,


प्रवासासाठी, भटकणे, रांगणे, वळा, कुंपण वळणे, विसंगत होतात, चुकीच्या मार्गाने,

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rambles मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

डोंगर भटकणे येथे नवीन नव्हते पण क्रीडाप्रकार म्हणून त्याला मान्यता नव्हती.

गावातल्या इतर गुंडांसह गावात भटकणे आणि फक्त फुशारक्या मारण्यासाठी पार्ट्या देणे त्याला पसंत आहे.

हिरदेशाह हे असे राजे होते, की ज्यांनी इंग्रजांपासून मुक्ती मिळवण्यासाठी राजसिंहासनाचा आणि कुटुंबीयांचा त्याग करून जंगल-जंगल भटकणे पसंत केले.

त्याचा दिवस सायकल चालवणे, पोहणे, मित्रांसोबत भटकणे यातच संपत असे.

rambles's Usage Examples:

In 2010 there were scrambles against 31 Chinese aircraft and.

The contestant then unscrambles the circled letters to form the answer to the clue.

paint en plein air: Then yet another [landscape] that depicts a field of yellowing wheat surrounded by brambles and green bushes.

While the rest of the team scrambles to try and capture Penance by force, Chamber merely lets her come to him, sensing that their mutant powers have made them both monsters and kindred spirits.

country rambles and listening to the stories of the sailors and the coastguardsmen, as she lingered about the shore.

Hare scrambles are conducted on closed course tracks which can vary from 2.

included breakfast burritos, catfish hash, Eggs Benedict, grits, gumbo, omelets, and scrambles.

brambles, rough meadow grass, stinging nettles, ground ivy, bluebells and primroses.

Since 2008, the number of scrambles to intercept Chinese aircraft has increased rapidly.

Joyce scrambles after him, as the cobalt machine, short circuiting due to Manon's body, self-destructs and destroys the lab.

including brambles, rough meadow grass, stinging nettles, ground ivy, bluebells and primroses.

When Sarah Essen Gordon stumbles upon the scene, the Joker shoots her in the head as she scrambles to catch a baby he dropped.

This is done in plant nurseries in imitation of natural layering by many plants such as brambles which bow over and touch the tip on the ground, at which point it grows roots and, when separated, can continue as a separate plant.


carry on, continue, proceed, go on, jog, ramble on,


walk, gravitation, levitation, follow, fall,

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