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rainforest Meaning in marathi ( rainforest शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वर्षावन, मुसळधार पावसाचे जंगल,


रेन फॉरेस्ट,

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rainforest मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कार्बनच्या संतुलनावर महत्त्वपूर्ण परिणाम करणारे मोठ्या जंगलांच्या उदाहरणांमध्ये अमेझोनिअन आणि मध्य आफ्रिकेच्या रेन फॉरेस्ट्सचा समावेश आहे.

वातावरणातील कार्बन डाय ऑक्साईडच्या पातळीत वाढ होण्यासाठी उपलब्ध झाडे कमी होत असल्याने change मेझॉनच्या रेन फॉरेस्ट मधील जंगलतोड हे हवामानातील बदलाचे एक प्रमुख कारण आहे.

डेंट्री रेन फॉरेस्ट, क्विन्सलँडच्या डेन्ट्री जवळील उष्णकटिबंधीय रेन फॉरेस्ट, सुमारे 1200 चौरस किलोमीटर अंतरावर, लॉगिंग, विकास, खाण आणि उच्च पर्यटकांच्या परिणामामुळे धोक्यात आला आहे.

rainforest's Usage Examples:

Duboisia myoporoides, or corkwood, is a shrub or tree native to high-rainfall areas on the margins of rainforest in eastern Australia.

The Congolian rainforests are a broad belt of lowland tropical moist broadleaf forests which extend across the basin of the Congo River and its tributaries.

receive generally moderate annual precipitation without experiencing the copiously excessive, tropical-rainforest-like precipitation amounts in towns farther.

In contrast, those in the Central African rainforests are genetically similar to the Nile monitor.

Alocasia macrorrhizos is a species of flowering plant in the arum family (Araceae) that it is native to rainforests of Island Southeast Asia, New Guinea.

Tropical rainforests, deciduous forests, Atlantic and Pacific coastline, cloud forests, and mangrove forests are all represented throughout the 19,730 square miles of Costa Rica's landmass.

types of tropical climates within the tropical climate group: tropical rainforest climate (Af), tropical monsoon climate (Am) and tropical wet and dry or.

and rainforest with giant ficus, citrifolia, fid woods, white woods, cabbage palm trees and mahogany trees.

Precipitation reaches 5000 l per m², amounts typical for tropical rainforests or the eastern Himalayas than the dry Mediterranean.

The greater sooty owl (Tyto tenebricosa) is a medium to large owl found in south-eastern Australia, Montane rainforests of New Guinea and have been seen.

Tropical rainforests can be characterized in two words: hot and wet.

ClimateUnder the Köppen climate classification system, the municipality of Lebak features a tropical rainforest climate.

The Wet Tropics, like all tropical rainforests, is very rich in unique species, and importantly contains some of the most primitive flowering plants in the world.


selva, rain forest, woods, wood, forest, temperate rain forest, tropical rain forest,



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