ragi Meaning in marathi ( ragi शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
पूर्व भारतीय अन्नधान्य गवत ज्याचे बियाणे ओरिएंट आहे ते थोडे कडू पीठ हे एक प्रमुख उत्पादन आहे,
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ragi मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
ते सारे पाहून रावण अतिशय रागावला.
दरबारी अधिकारी घाईघाईने सेनेला आणायला आला, त्याला वाटले की सेनेवर रागावला म्हणून राजाने त्याला बोलावले.
हे पाहून लक्ष्मण तिच्यावर रागावला आणि तिची तुलना कैकेयीशी केली.
परंतु, त्यांच्या वर्तनामुळे शिव त्यांच्यावर रागावला आणि बैलाचे रूप घेऊन त्यांना टाळून गढवाल प्रदेशात निघून गेला.
तो माणूस पुन्हा नम्रपणे म्हणाला 'महाराज,आपण माझ्यावर रागावलात का ?'.
ragi's Usage Examples:
despite being only accessible by stairs, and, in most cases, having no garaging.
is the greatness of America that the rest of the world views as its tragic flaw.
Playing in all 82 games, he ranked 20th in the NBA in points per game (11th in total points), averaging 21.
One of the most terrestrial of bats, it is notable for foraging more on the forest floor than any other bat species.
[citation needed] The event sometimes disparagingly referred to as the "Act of No Choice" because of its controversial process.
(These are both ultimately from the Latin adjective fragilis, but frail evolved naturally through its slowly changing forms in Old French and Middle English, whereas fragile is a learned borrowing directly from Latin in the 15th century.
Anisotropic interactions in solution-state NMRFrom the perspective of solution-state NMR, it can be desirable to limit motional averaging of dipolar interactions by alignment media.
lifestyle and encouraging the spread of vegan food options through public outreach campaigns.
Philaster, or Love Lies a-Bleeding is an early Jacobean era stage play, a tragicomedy written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher.
authorization, manipulation of pre-war intelligence, encouraging and countenancing torture, retaliating against critics, and to make recommendations regarding.
Continuum, 1991 (includes Stalks; After the Rain; A Fragile Thread; A Monkey's Paw; Winged Play)Wheat: The Music of Frank Denyer.
dramatic photograph of a local firefighter rescuing a teenager from raging floodwaters.
In spite of a raging storm and slushy roads, a large crowd of people gathered in the house of the Løgting that.