radicality Meaning in marathi ( radicality शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
डेक्रॅम, फसवणूक, बदमाश,
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radicality मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
गवना, दाग, बदमाश, विश्वामित्र मेनका, हम हिंदोस्थानी, एक मुसाफिर एक हसिना, दिल देके देखो, तुमसा नहीं देखा, काले-गोरे, मिस्टर एक्स, ढोला मारू, राज मुकुट, जय महालक्ष्मी (हिंदी), पोस्टातील मुलगी, प्रेम आंधळं असतं (मराठी), सुदी गुंटालू (तेलगू) आदी चित्रपटांतही त्यांनी नृत्यदिग्दर्शक म्हणून भूमिका बजावली.
बद - बुरा - बदनाम बदमाश बदकिस्मत बदबू बदहज़मी बददिमाग बदमज़ा बदहवास बददुआ बदनीयत बदकार.
फाशी दिलेले कैदी, खून झालेले बदमाश वशव पेट्यांतून शव पळवून हंटर यांच्या अॅनाटॉमी इंस्टिट्यूटमध्ये गुप्तपणे आणण्यात येई.
पण ‘चोर’ म्हणजे बदमाश, आयतोबा, समाजकंटक व गुंड अशी मलीन प्रतिमा असते.
ह्या नाटकामधु्न प्रभाकर पणशीकरांनी "लखोबा लोखंडे" ह्या एका बदमाशाची भूमिका अजरामर केली आहे.
radicality's Usage Examples:
Weekly Gendai pointed out that Seventeen"s "radicality" had escalated since around 2005, because of the strong influence of the.
By default, this name pays no regard to the radicality of the imidogen molecule.
seldom used in Spanish, so squatter activists used it to signify their radicality and their difference to mainstream culture.
The radicality of these centralization measures proved themselves unsustainable, causing their reversion on.
default, this name pays no regard to the radicality of the methylene.
The radicality of these centralization measures proved themselves unsustainable, causing.
A statement of allegiance to the radicality of unknowing who we are becoming, this writing pushes against the ideology.
founded his movement in 1945, the Notre-Dame affair nevertheless put Isou"s radicality, and that of his supporters, to the test.
But I always liked the radicality of Michael Jackson; that he would do absolutely anything that was necessary.
Although in a context where the radicality is considered, it can also name the non-radical.
In histopathology, radicality of tumor excisions is generally defined as the absence of tumor cells.
In histopathology, radicality of tumor excisions is generally defined as the absence of tumor cells in a certain resection.
language is no longer the "rhetorical pathos of baroque poetry", but "radicality and artistry of the imagery.