radiating Meaning in marathi ( radiating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
रेडिएटिंग, दिपक, तेजस्वी,
दिपक, तेजस्वी,
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radiating मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
मोरवंचीकर , कार्यकारी संपादक :- दिपक जेवणे ,लेखात्मक स्वरूपाचा.
दिपकभाई केसरकर(आमदार).
आपला संपादक मित्र- दिपक रामजी कांबळे, दिघोरी मोठी.
या वृक्षाचा प्रसार पश्चिम व्दिपकल्प भागातील कोकण व उत्तर कारवार येथील पानझडी व मिश्र जगलात विशेष करून आहे .
कोरांटी, दिपकाडी, कुळी, खरपुडी, तेरडा, डिंगळा, रानतीळ, गारवेल, रानतिळ, दिपमाळ,काटेचेंडु, दसमुळी, चिराइत, रान-भेंडी, हळदीकुंकु यासारख्या अनेक वर्षायु वनस्पती आपण कात्रजला पाहु शकतो.
दिपकळ्या (बालसाहित्य).
बागुल, दैनिक नवनगरचे संपादक दिपक सोनवणे, जे.
महेश कोठारे, लक्ष्मीकांत बेर्डे, अश्विनी भावे, दिपक शिर्के, प्राजक्ता.
त्यात माझी प्रगती पाहुन माझी सिनेमातला सेकंड लीड असलेल्या सावळा या भुमिकेसाठी दिपक रेगे व सुनील नाईक यांनी निवड झाली.
|हिरापूरे दिपक हिरालाल HIRAPURE DIPAK HIRALAL.
चेअरमन शामराव सव्वाशे (काका), धनाजी आचरे(साहेब), नंदकुमार शेळके, नझीर वलाडकर, सुषमा नायकवडी, दिपक धनवडे, किरन नायकवडी,विकम शिदे,.
radiating's Usage Examples:
Since the force is applied only to the voice coil in a cone speaker, there are distortion modes called cone breakup; in the magneplanar speakers the force is applied much more evenly over the radiating surface, resulting in fewer distortion modes.
with creamy white radiating stripes of quickly varying width, beige or seldomly entirely white.
proportion disguises their significant role in trapping solar insolation and reradiating it back to Earth.
Ringways plan drawn up the 1960s to create a series of high speed roads circling and radiating out from central London.
she was among Paramount"s top stars, radiating delicate femininity and demure beauty but rarely much else.
It is radiating 1,813 times the Sun"s luminosity from an enlarged photosphere, 100 times the Sun"s radius, at an effective temperature of 3,765 K.
According to the Geological Survey of India, pyrophyllite and radiating crystals of chloritoid are located in the ridges to the.
pathogens in blood for transfusion are inactivated by adding riboflavin and irradiating with UV light.
transportation, distribution, exportation and disposal of radioactive substances, irradiating apparatus and other sources of ionising radiation.
The umbels of greenish-yellow flowers contrast pleasingly with the bushy, radiating mass of dark green, long-petioled leaves, which.
The church was long and had a semi-circular apse with 11 radiating chapels.
ExamplesNull dust solutions include two large and important families of exact solutions:pp-wave spacetimes (which model generalizations of the plane waves familiar from electromagnetism),Robinson–Trautman null dusts (which model radiation expanding from a radiating object).
The lunettes above lent themselves to radiating motifs: a sunburst of bellflower husks, radiating fluting, a low vase of flowers, etc.
divergent, diverging,
parallel, perpendicular, convergent,