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rachitic Meaning in marathi ( rachitic शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

दुःखाने प्रभावित किंवा मुडदूस द्वारे वैशिष्ट्यीकृत,

rachitic's Usage Examples:

in campina soils, "shrubs and small trees typically have a dwarfed and rachitic aspect with reduced quantities of foliage" with many of the species being.

role of mitochondria in growth plate calcification as demonstrated in a rachitic model".

These radiographic features are collectively known as rachitic-like changes.

made contributions in his research of disorders that included eclampsia, rachitic pelvis and puerperal osteomalacia.

April 2005 (in Spanish) Mista salva a un raquítico Valencia (Mista saves rachitic Valencia); El País, 25 April 2005 (in Spanish) Eto"o relaja los nervios.

A condition known as rachitic rosary can result as the thickening caused by nodules forming on the costochondral.

The patient, Catherine Colquhoun, was a rachitic dwarf (i.

Burckhard called Mahler "that rachitic degenerate Jew," unworthy for such a good-looking girl of good family.

costochondral joints of rickets patients are known as a rachitic rosary or beading of the ribs.

"He confirmed the Neanderthal"s rachitic changes in bone development[.

of bone at the costochondral joints of rickets patients are known as a rachitic rosary or beading of the ribs.

22 XR Nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, rachitic and osteomalacic bone disease, progressive kidney failure, normotensive.

ossification about the knee can simulate rachitic changes.


sick, rickety, ill,


well, healthy, fit, keep down,

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