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quislings Meaning in marathi ( quislings शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भयानक, फसवणूक करणारा, देशद्रोही,

कोणीतरी शत्रू धारण शक्तीशी सहयोग करतो,


भयानक, फसवणूक करणारा,

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quislings मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मानववंशशास्त्रज्ञ रितू गैरोला खंडुरी यांच्या मते, "धोतर आणि प्लेड जॅकेट घातलेला, गोंधळलेला सामान्य माणूस फसवणूक करणारा नाही.

गर्भावस्था सागर ठक्कर ऊर्फ शेंगी हा अमेरिकन नागरिकांची बनावट कॉल सेंटरद्वारे आर्थिक फसवणूक करणारा गन्हेगार आहे.

एच 'जंक' म्हणतो त्याला मी फसवणूक करणारा खाद्य म्हणतो.

quislings's Usage Examples:

What is allowed, is doled out in grudging order by the Nazis, with the quislings and collaborators being fed first, while ordinary citizens wait their.

Both quislings were confronted and eventually defeated by the communist-led, anti-fascist Partisan movement composed of members of all ethnic groups in the area, leading to the formation of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

pro-Trump Republicans is that of the Quislings"), David Driesen in History News Network ("Trump seeks a government of quislings"), Dick Polman on NPR station.

resistance organizations, while it managed to include in its ranks many Slav quislings.

gained control over Serbia, against people perceived as war criminals, quislings and ideological opponents.

Yugoslav Partisans and those who did not collaborate with Axis or local quislings during the Axis occupation of Serbia and the rest of Yugoslavia.

says the CIA and the so-called opposition have a joint plan to bring "quislings" to Iraq from the north and south to gather information and await future.

Independent State of Croatia (NDH), and controlled by the Croatian Ustashe quislings, as an important mining center whose natural resources, mainly iron ore.

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