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prosperity Meaning in marathi ( prosperity शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

समृद्धी, शुभेच्छा, सुधारणा,


कल्याण, कौतुक, समृद्धी, अभ्युदय, विकास, मुबलक, रिद्धी, सुधारणा, श्री., यश,

prosperity मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या सूचनेस कुवेतच्या मंत्रिमंडळाने मान्यता दिली आणि खाजगीकरण करारात तशी सुधारणा केली.

तेथे त्याने दक्षिण आफ्रिकेतील राजवटीत सुधारणा करण्यासाठी प्रयत्न चालवले.

स्वातंत्र्यपूर्व काळात सामाजिक सुधारणा व चळवळ व स्त्री शिक्षणाची चळवळ महाराष्ट्रातूनच सुरू झाली.

कारण त्यांच्या लक्षात आले की, वारली आदिवासींच्या कल्पना, आदर्श कृती यामध्ये सुधारणा घडवून आणण्यास शिक्षणाशिवाय अन्य पर्याय नाही.

१९९० च्या दशकात खासगीकरणाला चालना देण्याच्या शासकीय धोरणामुळे लाओसमध्ये आर्थिक सुधारणा घडून येत आहेत.

राजीव गांधीच्या आधुनिक विचारांचा पगडा त्यांच्या सुधारणावादी कामांतून पहायला मिळाला.

या सुधारणा चळवळींना काही वेळा नवीन धर्म मानले जाते.

ह्या दोन्ही सुधारणा वादग्रस्त होत्या.

हाच इतिहास वसाहतिक भारतातील सुधारणांचा उदय स्पष्ट करतो जसे की, वसाहतीक शिक्षण आणि नव्या धार्मिक चळवळी मानवतावादी मूल्यांचे पुनरुज्जीवन करतात.

ही प्रथा सम्राट सुइकोच्या राजवटीपासून सुरू झाली होती आणि नाकाटोमी कुळातील तायका सुधारणांनंतर ती रुजली .

गोपाळ गणेश आगरकर हे, भौतिकता - ऐहिकता, बुद्धिप्रामाण्यवाद, व्यक्तिस्वातंत्र्य या आधुनिक तत्त्वांना प्रमाण मानून जिवाच्या कराराने समाज सुधारणांचा पाठपुरावा करणारे समाजप्रबोधक होते.

स्त्रीशिक्षण, विधवाविवाह सुधारणांचे ते पुरस्कर्ते होते.

prosperity's Usage Examples:

After a brief period of prosperity in the 17th century, Krutitsy was shut down by imperial authorities in the 1780s, and served as a military warehouse for nearly two centuries.

on region but are typically made of pine, bamboo, and sometimes ume tree sprigs which represent longevity, prosperity and steadfastness, respectively.

Bethel burgeons under pastor"s visions of prosperity.

Such an establishment can be seen as a sign of the area's prosperity.

Bhishma speculates that the good and high souled people like Pandava brothers always create prosperity, peace, cheer and.

After the Korean War ended in 1953, the South Korean government suggested citizens each have one or two children to boost economic prosperity, which resulted in significantly reduced birth rates and a larger number of only-children to the country.

urvārukamiva bandhanān mṛtyormukṣīya mā"mṛtāt We worship Tryambaka, sweet augmenter of prosperity.

There are very few mentions of Metapontum during the first ages of its existence; however, it seems certain that it rose rapidly to a considerable amount of prosperity, for which it was indebted to the extreme fertility of its territory.

town reached its peak in the 1st centuries AD, but the Huns and Goths put an end to its prosperity in the 4th century.

The law was also interpreted differently in different parishes, as these areas varied widely in their economic prosperity, and the levels of unemployment experienced within them, leading to an uneven system.

The two tribes, however, had been dependents in their prosperity, so they shared that same adversity on equal terms.

The peace and prosperity that prevailed made his court a centre of cosmopolitanism, attracting scholars, artists.

Midtown Manhattan, fueled by postwar prosperity, was experiencing an unprecedented building boom that changed its very appearance.


economic condition, boom,


unsoundness, vulnerability, weak,

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