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privatizations Meaning in marathi ( privatizations शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


खाजगी मालकी किंवा नियंत्रण स्थितीतून काही बदल,



privatizations मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

खाजगीकरण झाल्यावर कंपनीचे शेर बाजारात सामान्यांना विकलेया नाही जात.

१९८७ साली जपान एअरलाइन्सचे पूर्णपणे खाजगीकरण करण्यात आले.

१९९० साली दिवाळखोरीत निघाल्यानंतर एरोलिनिआस आर्जेन्तिनासचे खाजगीकरण करण्यात आले व तिला स्पेनच्या आयबेरियाने विकत घेतले.

३) सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रांचे खाजगीकरण करणे होय.

१९९६ साली खाजगीकरण झालेली केनिया एअरवेज ही आफ्रिकेमधील पहिलीच कंपनी होती.

१९९३साली खुद्द सेलचे खाजगीकरण केले गेले.

एअर टांझानियाला खाजगीकरणामुळे पहिल्याच वर्षी कर वगळता ७३ लाख डॉलर तोटा झाला.

२१ जुलै २००८ मध्ये खाजगीकरणाचा करार सरकारने मान्य केला.

दुसऱ्या प्रकारचे खाजगीकरण हे भागीत कंपनी अभागीत होऊन तिचे संयुक्त भांडवली कंपनी मध्ये रुपांतर होण्याची प्रक्रिया होय.

या एयर लाइनचे सन २००६ मध्ये खाजगीकरण झाले.

परंतु २००१मध्ये सिंगापूर एअरलाइन्ससोबत वाटाघाटी फिस्कटल्यानंतर खाजगीकरणाचे प्रयत्न थंडावले.

तरी सुद्धा, त्या वर्षी ऑक्टोबरमध्ये खाजगीकरण समितीने सुचविले की खाजगीकरण करण्यापूर्वी एअर कुवेतचे पुनर्व्यवस्थापन कार्य करावे.

privatizations's Usage Examples:

incidence had a short-term effect on the Chinese government, who halted privatizations after the debate.

federalism, presidentialism and first-past-the-post electoral system, liberalizations and privatizations.

Many of Cavaco Silva"s government policies such as privatizations, which was creating some unemployment, or the tensions with some workers.

campaigned on an aggressively right-wing set of policies (including privatizations, abolition of the solidarity tax on wealth and tightening restrictions.

Aborted privatizations in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania, as well as privately.

public shares offering and privatizations, as they adhere to a doctrine of dirigisme and economic interventionism; the abolishment or a redraft of the Maastricht.

He wrote an open letter to the French, where he proposed a moderate programme (neither nationalisations, nor privatizations) and advocated a united France against the appropriation of the state by a clan, targeting Chirac and the RPR.

favored the wealthy industrial and agrarian classes (privatizations, liberalizations of rent laws and dismantlement of the unions).

After an economic crisis in the 1990s, the kibbutz underwent a series of privatizations and reforms, including the cancellation of equal salaries and the reducing of the collective structure to a social safety net.

He implemented pro-market reforms which included privatizations of state enterprises.

Inspired by the example of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, Chirac campaigned on an aggressively right-wing set of policies (including privatizations.

their work on contract theory, covering many topics from CEO pay to privatizations.

The plan was complemented by a series of privatizations and was a success.


denationalisation, social control, privatisation, denationalization,


nationalization, denationalization, mobilization, demobilization, nationalisation,

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