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pretexts Meaning in marathi ( pretexts शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बहाणे, कृपया, मला माफ करा, बायना, बॅज, तिथे होता, धुवा,


मला माफ करा, बायना, बॅज, तिथे होता, धुवा,

pretexts मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यांनी त्यांच्या चौकशीकर्त्यांना सांगियला सुरूवात केली, "मला माफ करा, माफ करा! नेहमी लोक चुकून मलाच प्रोफेसर आइनस्टाईन समजतात.

तो माणूस हे ऐकून म्हणाला मला माफ करा.

"मी आतापर्यंत वचन निभावलं पण आता श्वास सुटत चालला आहे मला माफ करा" असं तो वडिलांना म्हणतो आणि त्याचा दम तुटू लागतो त्याचवेळी अनेक वर्षांपासून त्याच्या हातात बंद असलेल्या वडिलांच्या त्या घड्याळाची टिकटिक चालू होते आणि भारतचा मंद होऊ पाहणारा श्वास पुन्हा पुर्ववत होतो.

pretexts's Usage Examples:

Entragian uses various pretexts for the abductions, from an arrest for drug possession to "rescuing" a.

Warren, to miss the attack while searching for them - one of the pretexts used by Philip Sheridan for his controversial removal of Warren.

pre-Evelyn-Waugh period country house that Bertie has been invited to visit on the flimsiest pretexts and with the most cheerfully disastrous results.

"From Many a Mangled Truth a War is Won" laments the tendency to invent pretexts and justifications for wars.

On various pretexts the three rabbis were arrested (November 10, 1861) and incarcerated in the citadel of Warsaw.

Among the pretexts for the treaty was the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, which had started in.

The adoption of such pretexts and the.

and variations have also been made and exhibited under similar names and pretexts.

In the 19th century, punitive expeditions were used more commonly as pretexts for colonial adventures that resulted in annexations, regime changes or.

tactics of gherao was practiced against the management personnel on the flimsiest of pretexts.

Israel exploited the DMZ incidents as pretexts for bombing the diversion project, culminating in air strikes deep in Syrian.

Furthermore, there were various regional observances in some parts of Japan on the 17th day of the month, as well as Buddhist observances on the 23rd or the 26th day, all of which were used as pretexts for often late-night parties during the autumn throughout the Edo period.

He often refused, under various pretexts, to pay the venue hire charge.


pretense, putoff, pretence, feigning, stalking-horse, dissembling,


uninterestingness, whiten, blacken, stay, chromatic color,

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