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prepuberty Meaning in marathi ( prepuberty शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


यौवनावस्थेच्या लगेच आधी दोन वर्षांचा कालावधी जेव्हा वाढीची गरज असते आणि लैंगिक परिपक्वतामध्ये बदल घडतात,

prepuberty's Usage Examples:

when the ilium (bone) is calcified at a level of 25%; it corresponds to prepuberty or early puberty.

Two studies that consider prepuberty and postpuberty migrants (Ammerlaan, 1996, AoA 0–29 yrs; Pelc, 2001, AoA.

increased protein diets (10 to 14%) and sufficient calories during the prepuberty period yield higher growth rates and larger eventual size than lower protein.


childhood, time of life,



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