prepack Meaning in marathi ( prepack शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
तयारी करणे, शब्दलेखन, तयार करा, निर्मिती करणे, कट आणि पेस्ट पाककला, शिकवा, शिकणे, सुसज्ज करा,
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prepack मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
मानवी विष्टा खाण्याची जबरदस्ती करणे, महिलेस जात पंचायतीमध्ये नग्न करणे, व्यक्तीच्या डोक्यावर मानवी विष्टा व लघवी असलेले मडके ठेवण्यात येणे आणि ते फोडणे, हातावर लालबुंद झालेली कुर्हाड ठेवण्याची तयारी करणे, महिलेला चारित्र्याच्या संशयावरून उकळत्या तेलात हात घालून नाणे बाहेर काढण्याची शिक्षा करणे.
निवडणुकांदरम्यान स्लिपा लिहिणे, त्या घरोघरी वाटणे, पक्षाची पत्रके वाटणे, सभेची तयारी करणे आदी किरकोळ कामे त्यांनी केली.
prepack's Usage Examples:
There are also commercially prepacked ssamjang available on the market.
proportion of individual prepackages having a negative error greater than the tolerable negative error shall be sufficiently small for batches of prepackages.
HMRC argued that at a creditors’ meeting to approve a prepack insolvency for the Mercury Tax Group Ltd it should have been given £8m.
It is an alternative to reheating prepackaged meals in a microwave oven.
A prepacked coronation chicken sandwich.
and projectile are manufactured prepacked and issued as a single unit of ammunition, with the launcher discarded after a single use.
administrator, HH Judge Cooke held that a court will ensure that applicants for a prepack administration provide enough information for a court to conclude that.
ukCadbury Australia – FavouritesChocolate barsCadbury brandsProducts introduced in 1999 A liquor store is a retail shop that predominantly sells prepackaged liquors – typically in bottles – typically intended to be consumed off the store's premises.
In January 2009, JAG Communications underwent prepack administration following Lloyds Bank withdrawing the company’s £2 million.
e-mark or quantité estimée (estimated quantity) can be found on some prepacked products in Europe.
Gözleme may sometimes be made from prepackaged hand-rolled leaves.
prepackaged meal, ready-made meal, ready meal (UK), frozen dinner, and microwave meal) is a packaged frozen meal that comes portioned for an individual.
The third are manufactured prepacked and issued as a single unit of ammunition with the launcher discarded after a single use.