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premeditatedly Meaning in marathi ( premeditatedly शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




premeditatedly's Usage Examples:

came so easily that until she was launched into it as an avocation unpremeditatedly, she had no thought herself that her ability in that direction would.

" Nicolas Slonimsky remarked on how the piece is "premeditatedly cast in the proclamatory key of B-flat major, the natural tonality of.

holder as the shortest human being Gul Mudin (1994–2010), Afghan child premeditatedly murdered by United States troops Gul Rahman, Afghan torture victim Gul.

Mair suggests it is "language that pours forth unconsciously and unpremeditatedly".

"obstinate", "obdurate", "in willful disregard" of House etiquette, and "premeditatedly" plotting a "judicial adventure".

he was sidelined for six weeks due to getting an injury and had to unpremeditatedly undergo an operation.

the series of events that lead to Bucker’s premeditatedly allowing Gunner to fall off a skyscraper.

unlawfully, knowingly, intentionally, willfully, maliciously, deliberately, premeditatedly and feloniously murder Sheriff Eugene Crum, against the peace and dignity.

the end clearly refers to vows that were unintentionally unkept, not premeditatedly broken.

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