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portland Meaning in marathi ( portland शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


मिड-पोर्ट आणि ओरेगॉन ही सर्वात मोठी शहरे आहेत, विल्मेट नदीवर वायव्य ओरेगॉनमध्ये स्थित आहे जे शहराला पूर्व आणि पश्चिम विभागात विभाजित करते, पर्वतांमधील सुंदर नैसर्गिक वातावरणासाठी प्रसिद्ध,

portland's Usage Examples:


reserve (KOH, NaOH) and the portlandite (calcium hydroxide) contained in the hardened cement paste causes a passivating film to form on the surface of the steel.


It occurs in association with apophyllite, natrolite, thaumasite, merwinite, spurrite, gehlenite, ettringite, portlandite,.

ettringite, wollastonite, larnite, brownmillerite, gehlenite, diopside, pyrrhotite, grossular, spinel, afwillite, jennite, portlandite, jasmundite, melilite.



The adjacent façades at ground and first floor of the building in which the station is situated were built to the same design using portland stone.

"Oldhamite-periclase-portlandite-fluorite assemblage and coexisting minerals of burnt dump.

Portland spurge (Euphorbia portlandica), shore-dock (Rumex rupestris), slender spike rush (Eleocharis acicularis), variegated horsetail (Equisetum variegatum).

Based on their chemical resistance, binders are classified by the field of use: non-hydraulic (gypsum, air-cements, magnesia, [lime]), hydraulic (Roman cement, portland cement, [lime]), acid-resistant (silicon fluoride cement, quartz cement), and autoclavable (harden at 170 to 300°С i.

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