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porbeagles Meaning in marathi ( porbeagles शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


तीक्ष्ण नाक असलेल्या शार्क उत्तर अटलांटिक आणि पॅसिफिक महासागरांवर खातात,

porbeagles's Usage Examples:

several predators in the Southern Ocean, mainly sharks (sleeper sharks and porbeagles, accounting for 21% and 19% of the cephalopod biomass consumed by each.

consumption, such as porbeagles, shortfin mako shark, requiem shark, and thresher shark, among others.

In a study that included 420 porbeagles caught in the northwest Atlantic off Canada, all were in water below 13 °C.

Several sharks are fished for human consumption, such as porbeagles, shortfin mako shark, requiem shark, and thresher shark, among others.

Atlantic white-sided dolphins, harbour porpoise, harbour seals, and porbeagles.

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