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pointing out Meaning in marathi ( pointing out शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

इंगित करत आहे, मला सांग, प्रदर्शित करण्यासाठी, इशारा, दाखवा,



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pointing out मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सराटेच झाड कस आहे दाखवा.

'ज्ञ' पूर्वीचा नासोच्चारही केवळ शीर्षबिंदूने दाखवावा.

संपूर्ण शो 16 अलग युनिट-प्रदर्शन लावले एकत्रित केले जातात आधारित आहे! या उपक्रमात 'आणि सहभागी' समर्पण काय या अशा एक यशस्वी दाखवा करते आहे!.

त्यात खेळाडूला उंच उडी, थाळीफेक, भालाफेक, स्प्रिंट (थोडेच अंतर पण भरवेगाने धावण्याची शर्यत) आणि कुस्ती या चार खेळात प्रावीण्य दाखवावे लागे.

तसेच ३८२६ जणांना बडतर्फ करण्यासाठी कारणे दाखवा नोटीस पाठवली गेली.

शाहु महाराजांच्या वेदोक्त प्रकरणात टिळकांनी विरोध केला असे चिरोलने म्हंटले होते त्यासंदर्भात टिळकांच्या वकिलांनी १९०१ ते १९०८ या काळातले केसरीचे अंक समोर ठेऊन प्रश्न केला की "टिळकांनी शाहुमहाराजांच्या वेदोक्ताच्या अधिकाराला कोठे विरोध केला ते दाखवा.

भारूड हे नुसते गायनाने दाखवायचे नसते तर त्याचे संपादनही करावे लागते.

नंतर चूर्म्याचा नैवेद्य दाखवावा.

भारतातील रोड अपघातांच्या भीषण समस्येविषयी सत्यजित खारकर यांनी दिव्य मराठी वृत्तपत्रास दिलेल्या एका मुलाखतीत लोकांची मानसिकता बदलण्यासाठी सिनेमागृहात अपघाताचे धडकी भरवणारे सीसी टीव्ही फुटेज दाखवावे असा उपाय सुचवला  .

मी या भोंदूला आव्हान देतो की शिया, सुन्नी किंवा मदरसा जिथे अशा शिकवणी दिल्या जातात ते दाखवावे.

आजोबा भारावल्यागत सांगत राहायचे त्यांच्या बालपणापासूनची गावाची श्रीमंती, दाखवायचे पडझड झालेल्या वाड्यांच्या खाणाखुणा.

हा करायचा असतो, दाखवायचा असतो किंवा गाजवायचा असतो.

pointing out's Usage Examples:

A helicopter clattered overhead, pointing out those trying to escape to the troops below.

Cheryl Townsend Gilkes expands on this by pointing out the value of centering on the experiences of black women.

movement specialist George Chryssides criticized the book"s title by pointing out that most groups referred to as cults do have well-defined beliefs.

She was pointing out to him his libidinious enjoyment.

derivatives were criticized after the 2008 financial crisis, with critics pointing out that the market artificially inflates the price of oil and other energy.

They denied that they were right wing extremists, pointing out that past member Nancy Appiah was Ghanaian, and that they sing lyrics by the Jewish-German poet August Stramm.

A long exchange ensued, wherein Lu is said to have admonished Zhao Tuo, pointing out that he was Chinese, not Yue, and should have maintained the dress and decorum of the Chinese and not have forgotten the traditions of his ancestors.

another match or by pointing out the disparity of their stations, are unavailing.

From the 1880s onwards, a few white Southern authors, such as George Washington Cable and Mark Twain (considered a Southern writer because he grew up in the slave state of Missouri and set many of his writings in the South) challenged readers by pointing out the exploitation of blacks and ridiculing other Southern conventions of the time.

Bune called the report gutter-level journalism, pointing out that the article provided no names and quoted anonymous sources.

He justified his appointment to the unelected body by pointing out Manchester United football team isn't chosen by popular vote.

The idea for the creation of a WEO was discussed thirty years ago but is receiving fresh attention in the light of arguably disappointing outcomes from recent, ‘environmental mega conferences’(e.

During the discussion only Badoglio voiced objections, pointing out that stopping after seizing Epirus—which he conceded would present little difficulty—would be an error, and that a force of at least twenty divisions would be necessary to conquer the whole country, including Crete, through he did not criticize Prasca's plans.


indicant, indication,



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