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point out Meaning in marathi ( point out शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

दाखविणे, मला सांग, प्रदर्शित करण्यासाठी, इशारा, दाखवा,

point out मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सराटेच झाड कस आहे दाखवा.

'ज्ञ' पूर्वीचा नासोच्चारही केवळ शीर्षबिंदूने दाखवावा.

संपूर्ण शो 16 अलग युनिट-प्रदर्शन लावले एकत्रित केले जातात आधारित आहे! या उपक्रमात 'आणि सहभागी' समर्पण काय या अशा एक यशस्वी दाखवा करते आहे!.

त्यात खेळाडूला उंच उडी, थाळीफेक, भालाफेक, स्प्रिंट (थोडेच अंतर पण भरवेगाने धावण्याची शर्यत) आणि कुस्ती या चार खेळात प्रावीण्य दाखवावे लागे.

तसेच ३८२६ जणांना बडतर्फ करण्यासाठी कारणे दाखवा नोटीस पाठवली गेली.

शाहु महाराजांच्या वेदोक्त प्रकरणात टिळकांनी विरोध केला असे चिरोलने म्हंटले होते त्यासंदर्भात टिळकांच्या वकिलांनी १९०१ ते १९०८ या काळातले केसरीचे अंक समोर ठेऊन प्रश्न केला की "टिळकांनी शाहुमहाराजांच्या वेदोक्ताच्या अधिकाराला कोठे विरोध केला ते दाखवा.

भारूड हे नुसते गायनाने दाखवायचे नसते तर त्याचे संपादनही करावे लागते.

नंतर चूर्म्याचा नैवेद्य दाखवावा.

भारतातील रोड अपघातांच्या भीषण समस्येविषयी सत्यजित खारकर यांनी दिव्य मराठी वृत्तपत्रास दिलेल्या एका मुलाखतीत लोकांची मानसिकता बदलण्यासाठी सिनेमागृहात अपघाताचे धडकी भरवणारे सीसी टीव्ही फुटेज दाखवावे असा उपाय सुचवला  .

मी या भोंदूला आव्हान देतो की शिया, सुन्नी किंवा मदरसा जिथे अशा शिकवणी दिल्या जातात ते दाखवावे.

आजोबा भारावल्यागत सांगत राहायचे त्यांच्या बालपणापासूनची गावाची श्रीमंती, दाखवायचे पडझड झालेल्या वाड्यांच्या खाणाखुणा.

हा करायचा असतो, दाखवायचा असतो किंवा गाजवायचा असतो.

point out's Usage Examples:

Critics were quick to point out that there is no way of blocking incoming message fees and suggested Telus and Bell were price fixing as both had announced the fees simultaneously.

Those who claim that feminist can apply equally to men and women often point out that the arguments made by advocates of the term pro-feminist are based in notions of biological determinism and essentialism, and are actually contrary to feminist principles.

Christian vegetarians and vegans point out that it was this creation—where all creatures ate plants—that God then declared very good in verse 31.

to eat in a "cubbyhole" separated from the dining room where the white jurors ate, it is pertinent to point out that the alleged "cubbyhole" was a corner.

It was now 23 years since United had been league champions, but one respected sports journalist in The Times was keen to point out in January 1990 that it would now appear more relevant that it had been 16 years since United had last been relegated.

Sometimes these mentions point out the existence of the report, sometimes they argue that the report is evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Borel, in particular, was careful to point out that negligibility was relative to a model of probability.

They point out that local law may vary from proportional compensation to capital punishment to no compensation at all.

Criticism of the memoJournalists such as Fred Kaplan point out that the later section of the memo that discusses potential consequences of an invasion, including Saddam's use of WMD against Kuwait or Israel, directly contradicts interpretations of the memo as a smoking gun about WMD fabrication.

OO advocates point out that inheritance/subtyping models need not be limited to trees (though this is a limitation in many popular OO languages such as Java), but non-tree OO solutions are seen as more difficult to formulate than set-based variation-on-a-theme management techniques preferred by relational.

Drivers only needed to take a test to show proof that they understood English; demonstrate knowledge of 29 major corridors and 168 routes to popular landmarks; and be able to point out the locations of ten to fifteen landmarks, using a geographical directory provided during the test.

" Neurodiversity advocates point out that neurodivergent people often have exceptional abilities such as hyperfocus alongside their deficits.


criticize, kibbitz, notice, remark, mention, note, comment, kibitz, criticise, wisecrack, pick apart, observe, knock,


praise, node, end, beginning, middle,

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