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plausibility Meaning in marathi ( plausibility शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

तर्कशुद्धता, आदर,



plausibility मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

राजवाडे यांनी संतांना आणि संतवाङ्मयाबद्दल आदर, आपुलकी, जिव्हाळा उत्पन्न करण्याचे कार्य ज्या काही महनीय व्यक्तींनी केले त्यांत जोगमहाराजांचा सिंहाचा वाटा होता असे म्हटले आहे.

१ जून १९५७ रोजी ‘आदर्श आदिवासी गोंडी लिपी बोध’ हे पुस्तक देवनागरी लिपीत प्रकाशित झाले.

कारण त्यांच्या लक्षात आले की, वारली आदिवासींच्या कल्पना, आदर्श कृती यामध्ये सुधारणा घडवून आणण्यास शिक्षणाशिवाय अन्य पर्याय नाही.

विशेषणांसोबत शेवटी क्रियापदांचाही विचार आदर्श क्रियापदांचा विचार काळानुसार करता येतो.

नारदमुनी हे संक्षेप रामायण या वाल्मिकी रामायणातील सर्गात आदर्श मनुष्याच्या १६ गुणांचे वर्णन करतात.

देशाचे सार्वभौमत्व, देशाची आदरणीय प्रतीके, इतर देशांशी संबंध व अशा काही गोष्टींच्या रक्षणार्थ, तसेच समाजविघातक गोष्टीं समाजासमोर येऊ नयेत, यांसाठी या काटछाटी केल्या जातात.

रामायण एक महाकाव्य आहे जे श्रीराम यांच्या जीवनातुन आपणास जीवनातील सत्य,कर्तव्य,साह्स यांचा परिचय देते आणि आदर्श जीवन जगण्यास मार्गदर्शन करते.

गोवा राज्य शिक्षण संचालनालयातर्फे ‘आदर्श अध्यापक राज्य पुरस्कार’.

सामाजिक प्रबोधनाच्या व परिवर्तनाच्या त्यांच्या या कार्यकृतीमुळे लोक त्यांना आदराने अण्णा म्हणू लागले.

नंबुद्रीपाद यांचा आदर करीत.

राजांविषयी आदर राखुन मी सांगूतो की या ने अन्यायकारक सामाजिक बिघाड झाला आहे.

plausibility's Usage Examples:

interest and a semblance of truth" into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgement concerning the implausibility of the narrative.

E R Punshon in The Guardians issue of 2 April 1940 concluded, The story is told with all and even more of Mrs Christie's accustomed skill and economy of effect, but it is a pity that the plot turns upon a legal point familiar to all and yet so misconceived that many readers will feel the tale is deprived of plausibility.

on "implausibility", but our sister project Wiktionary does: Read the Wiktionary entry on "implausibility" You can also: Search for Implausibility in Wikipedia.

plausibility in the writing, (no ghosts, spirits or gods intervening in the human action), a choice of subjects that are contemporary and reasonable (no exotic.

The association between the salience network and religious statements is congruent with the cognitive theory proposed by Boyer that the implausibility of religious propositions are offset by their salience.

was writer Fred Jackson, whose novels often "have exactly the sort of implausibility of plot and sentimentality of action that is parodied in "Sweet Ermengarde".

plaudō -plodō plaud- -plod- plaus- plaus- -plos- clap applaud, applause, displode, displosion, displosive, explode, explosion, explosive, implausibility.

This informal fallacy should be distinguished from that of begging the question, which offers a premise whose plausibility depends on the.

incidence of diseases is often used to identify the causes of diseases in the first place, and to help provide pre-clinical justification for the plausibility.

singer was at the mic, the sheer implausibility of the lyric would be nakedly evident, but Jackson will have you looking in the classified section, expecting.

even sarcastic, marginal commentary which was intended to expose the implausibility of events recounted in the legend.

acatalepsy meant that human knowledge never amounts to certainty, but only to plausibility.

1859), a touching and moral book whose excellent intentions excuse its implausibility.


plausibleness, tenableness, tenability, believability, credibility, credibleness, reasonableness,


unreasonable, reasonable, unsoundness, implausibility, incredibility,

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