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plasms Meaning in marathi ( plasms शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


गुणसूत्र आणि जीन्स असलेल्या जंतू पेशींचा पंक,


रस, प्लाझ्मा, मौल्यवान हिरवे रत्न, रक्ताच्या गुठळ्या, साचा,

plasms मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

-पायांच्या खोलवरच्या निलांमध्ये रक्ताच्या गुठळ्या होणे.

त्यामुळे रक्ताच्या गुठळ्या करायची क्षमता कमी होते आणि शरीरातून रक्तस्राव होऊ लागतो.

अर्थात पाळीजास्त दिवस चालल्यास, अत्याधिक रक्तस्त्राव असल्यास अथाव रक्ताच्या गुठळ्या दिसल्यास डॉक्टरी सल्ला घेणे उत्तम.

अतिदक्षता विभागात भरती असलेल्या ३१% रुग्णांमधे रक्त रक्तवाहिनीच्या आत रक्ताच्या गुठळ्या तयार होण्याचे प्रमाण आठळते.

plasms's Usage Examples:

These germ plasms have now spread through the whole middle west and are continuing to spread.

polyps of the colon are often referred to as benign but they are actually overgrowths of normal tissue rather than neoplasms.

Other diseases CD4 continues to be expressed in most neoplasms derived from T helper cells.

two ciliates of a compatible mating type form a bridge between their cytoplasms.

Also, in PIN-4 stained samples, adenocarcinoma cells generally display red cytoplasms (stained by AMACR).

It is well documented that malignancy may be only focally present in mucinous neoplasms of the ovary, so thorough sampling is imperative.

virtually all B-cell neoplasms, including B-cell lymphomas, plasmacytomas, and myelomas.

neoplasms (MPNs) have emerged as a leading systemic cause of splanchnic vein thromboses (includes PVT).

tree via the flux of cations through gap junctions that connect the sarcoplasms of adjacent myocytes.

in English contraction), but it can also refer to coalescence by other metaplasms: synizesis, synaeresis or crasis.

poorly differentiated neoplasms, primitive gonadal stroma and sometimes heterologous elements.

The erythrocytic piroplasms are usually shaped like signet rings and are.

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