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pious Meaning in marathi ( pious शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

धार्मिक, संत, नीतिमान,


प्रामाणिकपणे, संत, चाहते, पुण्य, धार्मिक, नीतिमान,

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pious मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विवाहित पुरुषाने अनीतिमान वर्तन केल्यास 'नाडिचिवडा', हा प्रायश्चित्त विधी करतात.

रामायण हे मंदोदरीचे वर्णन सुंदर, धार्मिक आणि नीतिमान स्त्री असे करते.

ते नीतिमान व सुसंस्कृतयुक्त कसे होतील, याविषयीचे उपदेशपर व मार्गदर्शनपर लेखन तुकडोजींनी केले.

पतिनिष्ठ पतिव्रता पत्नी म्हणून, तसेच शुद्धचरित, धैर्यशील व नीतिमान स्त्री म्हणून या आदर्शवत मानल्या जातात.

ती म्हणते, 'अहो दारिद्ऱ्याने पिडलेले मांगमहार लोकहो, तुम्ही रोगी आहात, तर तुमच्या बुद्धीला ज्ञानरूप औषध द्या, म्हणजे तुम्ही चांगले ज्ञानी होऊन तुमच्या मनातील कुकल्पना जाऊन तुम्ही नीतिमान व्हाल.

सायबेरियातील स्थानिक भाषेत अनीतिमान किंवा व्यभिचारी माणसास रासपुतीन म्हणतात व तेच याचे नाव पडले.

नीतिमान स्त्रियांना पूर्वी ठार मारीत असत; पण सध्या अशा स्त्रियांना जातीबाहेर टाकण्यात येते.

घरातील सुसंस्कारांमुळे नीतिमान बनलेले हे व्यक्तिमत्त्व आणि त्याला कल्पक बुद्धीची व प्रचंड मेहनतीची जोड, हाच त्यांच्या यशाचा जादुई मंत्र.

त्यांनी पृथ्वीसेनला एक नीतिमान विजेता असेही म्हणतात.

pious's Usage Examples:

With copious notes, illustrative, biographical, philosophical, critical, admonitory, and political; being intended as a high-heeled shoe for all limping republicans.

Heavy winds frequently produce huge snowdrifts and copious and dense snow challenge lift crews to keep the lift open.

peasant genre, van Gogh saw the peasants as pious people ennobled by their hard labour and depicted them in several of what he called his "clog works".

And fourth, he wanted to illustrate that pious western Christians were deluded in thinking they were making missionary headway in the Muslim world.

dared lavishly praise God and bless all pious people who walk this road trustingly.

It is the chief idea of their pious practices mystically to repeat the experience of this celestial union of the Saviour with Sophia.

writing about it and about it, all this is sport; but to us who struggle piously, passionately, to behold, but in glimpses, the faces of our vanished Fathers.

following points are prescribed for the monk: she should not perform it disrespectfully, nor filled with pride of learning, nor to be considered pious by her.

was in many ways a typical son of the Church in Croatia of that time, fervidly pious, narrow and dogmatic, believing, in hls own words, that "Jews, freemasons.

lessons taken from the Scriptures, and from the writings of the Fathers, versicles and pious sentences thrown into the shape of the antiphons, responses.

rendering has not yet been sourced, but the import is that the "imprinted-volitions-of-mind" (vāsanātmā), whether pious or impious, are conditioned by the.

nearly an hour in length, in his usual style of rhapsody, and copiously interlarded with quotations from Scripture.

(1548) in the statement that "The Sophistes of Grece coulde through their copiousness make an Elephant of a flye, and a mountaine of a mollehill.


devotional, worshipful, godly, sacred, sanctimonious, piety, pietistic, religious, prayerful, unworldly, self-righteous, piousness, pietistical, reverent, virtuous, pharisaical, holier-than-thou, pharisaic,


irreligious, impiety, profane, wicked, impious, worldly,

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