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personal Meaning in marathi ( personal शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वैयक्तिक, खाजगी, स्वतःचे,


खस, स्वदेशी, मर्दानी, आत्ममग्न, स्वार्थी, खाजगी, वैयक्तिक, विशिष्ट व्यक्तींशी संबंधित, स्वतःचे, शारीरिक,

personal मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

खाजगी व सार्वजनिक जग कशाला म्हणायचे याची देखील पुनर्व्याख्या केली गेली.

यांच्याकडे महाराजांच्या खाजगी कारभाराकडे लक्ष ठेवण्याचे काम असे.

या सूचनेस कुवेतच्या मंत्रिमंडळाने मान्यता दिली आणि खाजगीकरण करारात तशी सुधारणा केली.

या प्रवासासाठी राज्य परिवहन मंडळाच्या गाड्या व काही अत्यल्प खाजगी वाहनेही मिळतात.

१० एप्रिल बृहन्मुंबई महापालिकेच्या आरोग्य विभागाने मुंबई शहरातील खाजगी रुग्णालयांतील वैद्यकीय अधिकारी-कर्मचाऱ्यांच्या सुरक्षिततेसाठी जारी केली मार्गदर्शक तत्त्वे.

बाकी खाजगी जीप गाड्या चालू असतात.

पितृसत्ताक व्यवस्थेने खाजगी मालमत्ता,लैंगिक नियंत्रण व राज्यसंस्था यांच्या आधारे बळकटी मिळवली.

[३२] १९९४मध्ये आंतरराष्ट्रीय वित्तीय संस्थेला खाजगीकरणाची प्रक्रिया सुरळीत पार पाडण्यासाठी नियुक्त करण्यात आले.

त्यामुळे अस्वस्थ झालेल्या राज्यातील नऊ नामवंत साहित्यिकांनी पुरस्काराचे मानचिन्ह आणि रक्कम मुख्यमंत्र्यांच्या खाजगी सचिवांकडे सोपवली.

खाजगी शाळांमध्ये शिक्षण शुक्ल घेतले जाते , ते सरकारी शाळात माफ असते.

आणि तो डेटा न्यायालयात सादर केल्यानंतर भारतातील सर्व शहरी भागातील खाजगी हेलीपॅड वापरण्याची पर्यावरण मंत्रालयातर्फे बंदी घालण्यात आली.

गावात खाजगी दूरध्वनी केंद्र उपलब्ध आहे.

personal's Usage Examples:

Griffiths (Matt Malloy), and they argue that Phoebe did not give them enough time to figure out why Shax, the personal assassin of The Source of All Evil, is after Dr.

Slater (December 3, 1902 – January 25, 1965) was an American educator, sports announcer, and radio/television personality from the 1920s through the 1950s.

In psychology, an inferiority complex is an intense personal feeling of inadequacy, often resulting in the belief that one is in some way deficient, or.

Dual-sleeving, or controlling two bodies with one personality, is strictly prohibited.

Along with the critics, Verdi acknowledged that the failure was partly due to his own personal circumstances, since his two children (the first in 1838, the second in 1839) and then, in June 1840, his wife Margherita Barezzi had died, all during the period leading up to and during its composition.

other journalists with her perky, relentlessly sunny personality—and dumbfounding lack of sophistication.

an extenuating personal inadequacy, such as mental defect, lack of mental capacity, sufficient age, intense fear of death, lacking the ability to control.

A television presenter (often referred to as a television personality or television host) is a person who introduces or hosts television programs, often.

fresh products 222 Medical equipment, linen, personal hygienic and prophylactics items 106 Russian crew"s hardware 138 Science experimental hardware.

Nagging, in interpersonal communication, is repetitious behaviour in the form of pestering, hectoring, harassing, or otherwise continuously urging an.

The recovery of an early edit of episode one on video (in the personal archive of late producer John Nathan-Turner) means that this element, previously thought lost, was included on the DVD release of the serial.

He was also personally presented with the sum of £5,000 by the Bombay Insurance Company and an additional £500 a year for life by the HEIC.


own, individual, in-person, personalized, personalised, private, individualized, ad hominem, person-to-person, ain, in the flesh, individualised, face-to-face,


introvert, fat person, outward, impersonal, public,

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