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peris Meaning in marathi ( peris शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पेरिस, पर्शियन परी, सुंदर स्त्री, पियरे,

एक सुंदर आणि सुंदर मुलगी,


पर्शियन परी, पियरे,

peris मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

- पियरे गॅस्ली originally finished १०th, but received a ५-second penalty for causing a collision.

- पियरे गॅस्ली was classified as he completed more than ९०% of the race distance.

Hydrology आधुनिक विज्ञान आद्यप्रवर्तक पियरे Perrault, Edme Mariotte आणि एडमंड हॅले याने समावेश आहे.

शैक्षणिक काळात कल्पना यांची जीन पियरे टॅरिसन (जेपी) या युवकाशी ओळख झाली.

टेट्रापॉड्स मूळत : फ्रान्सच्या ग्रेनोबलमधील लॅबोरेटोर डाफिनॉस डी हायड्रॉलिक (आता आर्टेलिया ) च्या पियरे डॅनेल आणि पॉल एंग्लस डी ऑरियॅक यांनी १९५० मध्ये विकसित केले होते ज्यांना डिझाइनचे पेटंट ही प्राप्त झाले.

- पियरे गॅस्ली and अँटोनियो गियोविन्झी each received three-place grid penalties for impeding other drivers during qualifying.

- पियरे गॅस्ली received a २०-place grid penalty: १५ places for exceeding his quota of power unit elements and ५ places for an unscheduled gearbox change.

- पियरे गॅस्ली received a ten-place grid penalty for his power unit change.

1796 साली, गणितज्ञ पियरे-सायमन Laplace पहिल्या आणि दुसऱ्या आवृत्तीत त्याच्या पुस्तकात प्रदर्शन डु système डु मॉन्डे मध्ये (नंतर आवृत्ती काढण्यात) ही कल्पना देण्यात आली.

फ्रेंच खगोलशास्त्रज्ञ पियरे चार्ल्स ले मॉन्निअर यांनी १७५० ते १७६९ दरम्यान सलग बारा वेळा युरेनसचे निरीक्षण केले, त्यापैकी सलग चार रात्री सुद्धा निरीक्षण झाले.

युनिसेक्स ड्रेसिंगची कल्पना १९६० च्या दशकात झाली जेव्हा पियरे कार्डिन आणि रुडी गर्नरीच यांनी डिझाइनर वस्त्र आणि जांभळी वस्त्रे वापरली होती.

विल्यम राघेनो बेल्जियम राज्य रेल्वेचे मेकॅनिकल अभियंता पियरे राघेनो यांचा मुलगा होता.

- पियरे गॅस्ली originally finished in fifteenth place but had ten seconds added to his race time for causing an avoidable collision.

peris's Usage Examples:

Two men were lost, one drowning and the other perishing on the ice.

The Drum Buddy is outfitted with a light fixture on a periscopic pipe fixed to its base.

is derived from its symmetrical, erect and urn-like capsules that lack peristomes, these features characterising the genus.

The airline's services are aimed to the small and medium Venezuelan producers; serving from the internal national market to the exportation needs of perishable products such as fish, shrimp, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc.

affects other periscapular muscles, which contraindicates the transfer.

The captain, first officer, and a check airman who occupied the cockpit jump seat perished in the crash; several passengers were injured, none fatally.

In Hellenistic Greek and Roman architecture, a peristyle (/ˈpɛrɪstaɪl/; from Greek περίστυλον) is a continuous porch formed by a row of columns surrounding.

periscope persic- peach Greek περσικός (persikós) pessim- worst Latin pessimus pessimal pet- strive toward Latin petere appetite, compete, competition, impetus.

IncidentsIn 1973 Pierre Dedieu, French, and Ernesto Sánchez, Bolivia's best climber, perished climbing Illimani in August.

Esophageal peristalsis is typically assessed by performing an esophageal motility study.

theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current.

Out of the fifteen people aboard, three passengers survived the crash; the four crew members perished.

development of elliptically shaped eyes, which are situated at the apex of long periscopic stalks extending from the larva"s head.


spirit, disembodied spirit,


man, male, male child,

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