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peri Meaning in marathi ( peri शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पेरी, पर्शियन परी, सुंदर स्त्री, पियरे,


पर्शियन परी, पियरे,

peri मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

- पियरे गॅस्ली originally finished १०th, but received a ५-second penalty for causing a collision.

- पियरे गॅस्ली was classified as he completed more than ९०% of the race distance.

Hydrology आधुनिक विज्ञान आद्यप्रवर्तक पियरे Perrault, Edme Mariotte आणि एडमंड हॅले याने समावेश आहे.

शैक्षणिक काळात कल्पना यांची जीन पियरे टॅरिसन (जेपी) या युवकाशी ओळख झाली.

टेट्रापॉड्स मूळत : फ्रान्सच्या ग्रेनोबलमधील लॅबोरेटोर डाफिनॉस डी हायड्रॉलिक (आता आर्टेलिया ) च्या पियरे डॅनेल आणि पॉल एंग्लस डी ऑरियॅक यांनी १९५० मध्ये विकसित केले होते ज्यांना डिझाइनचे पेटंट ही प्राप्त झाले.

- पियरे गॅस्ली and अँटोनियो गियोविन्झी each received three-place grid penalties for impeding other drivers during qualifying.

- पियरे गॅस्ली received a २०-place grid penalty: १५ places for exceeding his quota of power unit elements and ५ places for an unscheduled gearbox change.

- पियरे गॅस्ली received a ten-place grid penalty for his power unit change.

1796 साली, गणितज्ञ पियरे-सायमन Laplace पहिल्या आणि दुसऱ्या आवृत्तीत त्याच्या पुस्तकात प्रदर्शन डु système डु मॉन्डे मध्ये (नंतर आवृत्ती काढण्यात) ही कल्पना देण्यात आली.

फ्रेंच खगोलशास्त्रज्ञ पियरे चार्ल्स ले मॉन्निअर यांनी १७५० ते १७६९ दरम्यान सलग बारा वेळा युरेनसचे निरीक्षण केले, त्यापैकी सलग चार रात्री सुद्धा निरीक्षण झाले.

युनिसेक्स ड्रेसिंगची कल्पना १९६० च्या दशकात झाली जेव्हा पियरे कार्डिन आणि रुडी गर्नरीच यांनी डिझाइनर वस्त्र आणि जांभळी वस्त्रे वापरली होती.

विल्यम राघेनो बेल्जियम राज्य रेल्वेचे मेकॅनिकल अभियंता पियरे राघेनो यांचा मुलगा होता.

- पियरे गॅस्ली originally finished in fifteenth place but had ten seconds added to his race time for causing an avoidable collision.

peri's Usage Examples:

After a latency period of 5–10 minutes irritation of the eyes, lungs and mucous membranes develops.

Due to Spiral's time travel abilities, Rita, the babies and Spiral can all exist at the same period simultaneously.

see null hypothesis)in forensics and justice, the proof of guilt or innocence of a suspect after evaluating evidence in a criminal investigationin economics and accounting, the profit or loss at the end of a fiscal period.

The development of film and film-going in Iraq reflects the drastic historical shifts that Iraq has experienced in the 20th century.

Skateboarders most commonly experience this injury in their non-dominant foot due to the constant kicking and twisting required of it.

পরগনা, parganā), Hindi: परगना, Urdu: پرگنہ‎) or parganah, also spelt pergunnah during the time of the Sultanate period, Mughal times and British Raj.

says that the experience is so common that it has become known as "medical student syndrome".

The peridium is the protective layer that encloses a mass of spores in fungi.

Imperial Bank of India (IBI) was one of the oldest and the largest commercial bank of the Indian subcontinent, and was subsequently transformed into the.

Two men were lost, one drowning and the other perishing on the ice.

The reasons for making the villa a World Heritage Site are: it is a masterpiece that brings together the material culture of the Mediterranean world, it inspired the Renaissance and baroque period, it inspires the modern world as well, and the villa is an exceptional survival of the early Roman Empire.

Water flow is periodically important but inconsiderable during summers when the lake remains relatively stratified.

The Asian financial crisis was a period of financial crisis that gripped much of East Asia and Southeast Asia beginning in July 1997 and raised fears.


disembodied spirit, spirit,


male child, male, man,

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