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perestroika Meaning in marathi ( perestroika शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

1986 मध्ये मिखाईल गोर्बाचेव्ह यांनी सुरू केलेला सोव्हिएत युनियनमधील रशियन आर्थिक आणि राजकीय सुधारणा कार्यक्रम, ,

perestroika's Usage Examples:

Like arbitrageur and perestroika.

concept was introduced by Gorbachev to enable him to circumvent the CPSU hardliners who resisted his perestroika and glasnost reform campaigns, while still.

SKPy supported perestroika but criticized those who claimed to have been Gorbachevist even before Gorbachev's time.

Gorbachev to enable him to circumvent the CPSU hardliners who resisted his perestroika and glasnost reform campaigns, while still maintaining the Soviet Union.

com/topic/perestroika-Soviet-government-policy "Perestroika"] Check |url value (help).

It was the first slogan of a set of reforms that also included perestroika (restructuring), glasnost (transparency), new political thinking, and.

Rudolph Hommes announced the new aperture politic for international trade inspirited in the Russian perestroika and the creation of the National bank for international.

ProtestPreparationIn the light of glasnost and perestroika, street demonstrations had been increasingly growing in popularity and support.

Mikhail Gorbachev introduced "glasnost" (openness) and "perestroika" (restructuring) in 1985, hoping to stimulate the failing Soviet economy.

the enterprises gained some freedom during perestroika, the rigid system imploded.

of rehabilitations started about 1986 with emerging Soviet policy of perestroika.

slogan of a set of reforms that also included perestroika (restructuring), glasnost (transparency), new political thinking, and demokratizatsiya (democratization).

See Gosbank As part of Mikhail Gorbachev"s perestroika program, other banks were formed, including; "Promstroybank" (USSR Bank.


economic policy,

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