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perduring Meaning in marathi ( perduring शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


काळाबरोबर, धीर धरा, कायम, सहनशील, टिकाऊ,

perduring मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पण प्रथम, ब्लॉकचेन तंत्रज्ञान म्हणजे काय? आणि दुसरे म्हणजे, ते जग बदलेल? धीर धरा आणि अधिक जाणून घ्या.

त्यासाठी काहीकाळ धीर धरावा असे साईबाबा सांगत.

perduring's Usage Examples:

Church has declared applies uniquely to the Catholic Church and means the "perduring, historical continuity and permanence of all the elements instituted by.

defined as a collection of spatiotemporal parts, defined as pieces of a perduring object.

For the pre-conciliar paradigms and for the perduring sartorial customs of the Latin Rite concerning details of which these.

the tumescent drugs; and the nervous—paresthesia, localized areas of perduring numbness in the corrected portion(s) of the gluteal region.

and noted that “the effect of every successive indulgence grows more perduring until the hitherto isolated experiences become tangent to each other;.

uppermost buds perduring the most unfavourable seasons (e.

Michael Jubien and Mark Heller defend mereological essentialism for perduring objects.

opposing view is that any object in time is made up of temporal parts or is perduring.

reactions to the anaesthesic and the tumescent drugs; and the nervous—paresthesia, localized areas of perduring numbness in the corrected portion(s) of.

Bennett had pointed out how through a remarkable synthesis of poetic mode and profound emotional and intellectual insight into the Indians' perduring human status[] Momaday's novel becomes at last the very act it is dramatizing, an artistic act, a creation hymn.

entire twelve volumes were "a massive exposition of one of the greatest perduring male fantasies of all time.

H Stanner cited the essay to question the very notion of a perduring and stable tradition within Aboriginal society, since it appeared that.

mode and profound emotional and intellectual insight into the Indians" perduring human status["] Momaday"s novel becomes at last the very act it is dramatizing.

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