<< pentasyllabic pentateuchal >>

pentateuch Meaning in marathi ( pentateuch शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बायबल मालकीचे आहे,

हिब्रू बायबल हे हिब्रू शास्त्रवचनांच्या तीन विभागांचे पहिले एकक मानले जाते ज्यामध्ये पहिली पाच पुस्तके आहेत.,


बायबल मालकीचे आहे,

pentateuch's Usage Examples:

and the other an index to verses found in the Zohar; (subjects and non-pentateuchal), as well as a commentary on the Bible which has been lost.

pentateuch's Meaning in Other Sites